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[足球] Air Max 97 NZ Presidential Advisor on Governance









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發表於 2018-6-21 07:36:02 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Presidential Advisor on Governance,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, Gail Teixeira and Works Minister Robeson Benn have stated that all of the damaged infrastructure in Linden will be rebuilt once things are back to normal.The two officials were at the time responding to questions from members of the media on Thursday during President Ramotar’s visit to the community. During the month-long protest in the mining community numerous buildings were destroyed by fire.Teixeira said it is estimated that it will take millions to rebuild and it is their hope that they will get the support from the Opposition in Parliament when the time is right. According to Teixeira they have not yet been able to fully assess all the damage,Air Max 95 Black Leather, but will do so shortly with the aim of rebuilding. Teixeira stated that the works which will be needed in the community will have to be done through supplementary funds which the Parliament will have to approve.“We hope when we take this to Parliament that we will get the support from the opposition.”Further she added that their main priority now will be the One Mile Primary School which once housed some 830 children. She said a decision will have to be made shortly by the Education Minister given that that school will soon be reopened.Also speaking on the issue of damaged infrastructure was Minister Benn,Air Max Shoes For Sale, who said that given the attempt to burn to Mackenzie/Wismar Bridge they will have to carry out some works to ensure that the structure is not in any way compromised. He added that only recently works to the tune of $202M was spent for repairs to the bridge.During the month long protest which resulted in three persons being shot and killed and dozens being injured,Buy Air Max 1, several roads in and around the community were dug up. The Kara Kara bridge was also damaged to some extent.

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