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發表於 2018-6-21 11:11:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Things seem to be looking up for the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS), as the blood bank has been able to acquire a total of 624 units of blood countrywide for the month of January.Kaieteur News understands that,Wholesale Jerseys China, of that number, 341 units were from voluntary donations, inclusive of the four regional hospitals, the eight donor sites, Red Cross and two private hospitals; while family replacement accounted for 281 units.However,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, the main donor site, which is the blood bank in Georgetown, has failed to meet its usual quota of 540 units on a monthly basis. This newspaper understands that the blood bank had acquired only 420 units for the month of January, but is still optimistic that the quota will be met for that month.National Blood Donor Manager of the NBTS, Shameeza Mangal, has urged the private hospitals to step up to their responsibilities and to promote voluntary blood donation. She explained that no sort of promotion is being done, and that needs to be changed, because the private hospitals are not bringing in any blood except those for family replacement.Mangal added that the Ministry of Health aims to permanently wipe out family replacement donations, so as to encourage voluntary donation of blood.Meanwhile, in an effort to boost the current blood stock,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the NBTS is gearing to host a number of blood drives across the country.The NBTS is currently in the process of organizing one of its biggest blood drives in Linden in March, where churches,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, non-governmental organizations and the neighbourhood democratic council are expected to participate.Another major blood drive is also expected to take place on Valentine’s Day at Marian Academy.Only recently, the Ministry of Labour hosted a blood drive in which a total of 17 units of blood was donated.A total of 29 units was targeted, but according to Mangal, the remainder was deferred because of low haemoglobin content and high blood pressure, among other reasons.It was also noted that a number of other organizations have also committed to hosting blood drives.For this year,NFL Jerseys China, so far, Mangal noted, approximately five blood drives have been held. According to her,NFL Jerseys Cheap, this is not a good sign, as the NBTS is in constant need of blood to save lives,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and the blood bank needs the cooperation of all organizations.

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