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發表於 2018-6-21 11:57:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Shoreham Resources Ltd yesterday announced that it has contracted Ground Structures Engineering Consultants Inc. (“GSEC”) to provide diamond drilling services on its 10,427 acre Sardine Hill Property in Guyana, with significant focus on the Mariwa River Target. Commencing in late November the contract will allow for a minimum of 3,000 meters of HQ and/ or NQ diamond drill holes with depths from 100 to 200 meters.GSEC’s initial work will be dedicated to the saprolite and shallow bedrock mineralized zones in the Mariwa River anomaly in the northwest sector of the property, but Shoreham plans additional systematic drilling to test other geophysical and geochemical targets within the property.Mobilization of equipment for road and trail maintenance, and drill site preparations are scheduled for mid-November.Shoreham is currently progressing with a work programme on Sardine Hill, consisting of 60 km of line cutting, geological mapping with audit sampling of known mineralized areas, and a proposed (not yet completed) ground magnetic and IP survey.The Sardine Hill project area will also be covered by an airborne magnetic, VLF and radiometric survey contracted by Terraquest Geoscience.The 100-meter spaced airborne survey will support mapping of bedrock structure and alteration,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, and provide a digital terrain model for ongoing data integration.The Sardine Hill Property consists of the Sardine Hill – Mariwa Prospecting License, which is located approximately 80 kilometers from Georgetown and is in the vicinity of Gold Port Resources Ltd.’s Groete Creek Property.Sardine Hill is accessible by four-wheel drive trails from two landings on the Cuyuni River.The proximity of the property to the infrastructure of nearby Bartica and the navigable waters of the Essequibo and Cuyuni Rivers allows for cost effective evaluation and development work.Shoreham has the right to earn a 100 per cent interest in the Property and pursuant to an Option and Joint venture Agreement with Mulgravian Ventures Ltd.Shoreham’s President and CEO, David Bending stated, “We are very pleased to commence the drill program at Sardine Hill…The Sardine Hill Mariwa River Target is a well-defined gold mineralized area with ready access and excellent potential…We are actively pursuing additional drilling services contracts to accelerate the work at Sardine Hill and commence drilling in other key prospects in our Guyana Portfolio.“We await the results with an optimism based on the strength of previous work, the importance of the geological setting of the properties, and the artisanal mining activity throughout the region. Mulgravian Ventures is an excellent partner and our collective interests are growing as we explore.”

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