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發表於 2018-6-21 12:49:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Ryan initially filed the measure in 2015 and was not involved in the Hernandez prosecutions,Cheap Jerseys Online.
Carvalho said he Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online.us/]Cheap NFL Jerseys[/url] filed his bill after meeting with Lloyd's mother, Ursula Ward, a constituent of his from Boston.
In arguing last month to let Hernandez's conviction stand, prosecutor Patrick Bomberg says Hernandez should not be allowed to "accomplish in death what he could not accomplish in life."
Such a system, Ryan argued,Cheap Jerseys From China, would provide justice for victims and Cheap NFL Jerseys their families, while also assuring the defendant received a fair trial.
The basis for the ruling was  a legal principle dating back centuries and formally known as abatement ab initio, or "from the beginning." It holds that a defendant convicted at trial but who dies before an appeal is heard should no longer be considered guilty in the eyes of the law,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, thereby returning the case to its pretrial status.
"She knew that the murderer of her son had been found guilty, and years later for that to just go away because of an old precedent or a principle of law didn't make sense to me or to her," Carvalho said.
Middlesex District Attorney Marian Ryan asked the Legislature's Judiciary Committee on Monday to endorse legislation that would end the practice. Under her proposal, which several other states have adopted, convictions would stand but family members of defendants or attorneys representing their estates could continue to pursue appeals after death.
BOSTON (AP) — The legal tradition in Massachusetts of erasing criminal convictions when a defendant dies before an appeal can be heard is coming under renewed scrutiny following the prison death of Aaron Hernandez.
A judge dismissed the murder conviction of the former New England Patriots player in the 2013 killing of Odin Lloyd, a semi-professional football player,NFL Jerseys China, after Hernandez was found hanging in his cell in April. His death, later ruled a suicide, came just days after he was acquitted of the most serious charges in a separate double murder case.
More recently,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Democratic Rep. Evandro Carvalho introduced a more narrowly focused bill Cheap Jerseys Online that would eliminate automatic dismissals of convictions only in cases when a defendant dies by suicide.
"If there has been a mistake or NFL Jerseys Online something has been done wrong during a trial, it's in everyone's best interest to have that reviewed so we don't repeat it," she said prior to testifying at the Statehouse on Monday.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-26 13:48:24 | 只看該作者

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Bradley got his NFL start with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 2006 as the defensive quality control coach,Wholesale Jerseys 2020. He was linebackers coach at Tampa Bay in 2007 and 2008 before spending four seasons with the Seattle Seahawks as defensive coordinator,Wholesale Jerseys. He's in his third year as head coach of the Jaguars,Cheap Jerseys.
FARGO,NFL Jerseys Outlet, N.D. (AP) — Jacksonville Jaguars head coach Gus Bradley is coming to Fargo to help raise money for athletic scholarships at the university where he once played and coached.
Bradley is speaking at a dinner hosted by North Dakota State University on April 9,Wholesale Jerseys China. Bradley was a free safety and punter for NDSU in the 1980s and was an assistant coach for the Bison for 10 seasons before moving on to the NFL after 2005,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys.
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