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發表於 2018-6-22 02:20:24 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Power and Light (GPL) power station in Versailles, West Bank Demerara continues to ‘trip’ and as such,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, residents on the West Coast of Demerara and on the East Bank of Essequibo continue to receive an unstable supply of electricity.When Kaieteur News contacted one of the hotline numbers for GPL yesterday, an operator said that the power company is currently in the process of repairing the equipment at the Versailles Power Station which malfunctions (trips) during peak hours.For the past two weeks,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, residents have complained about the unacceptable service of the power company,Cheap Jerseys Store, since the electricity goes off at critical hours.Kaieteur News understands that on Monday September 7, the power went off from 18:00 hrs until 22:00 hrs, while on Tuesday September 8, the interruption lasted from18:00 hrs to 21:00hrs.The same situation continued on Wednesday September9, but only worse, as the electricity was cut off three times within one day. It was noted that on the same day,NFL Jerseys Supply, the power went off from 06:00 hrs until 18:00hrs, and then the same evening from 19:00hrs until 23:00 hrs.However,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, that was not the end of the situation as the power was cut once again at midnight until 03:00 hrs. This was the same morning that a fire erupted at the Ministry of Education branch in Plantain Walk,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, West Bank Demerara, where residents there had also complained about an unstable supply.The unacceptable service continued on Thursday September 10, as power was off from 18:00 hrs to 21:30 hrs, while yesterday it was cut off again from 08:00 hrs to 11:00hrs.Residents from various areas on the West Coast of Demerara have said that they are frustrated with the situation since it has been happening from the beginning of the year.Last month, GPL had issued a statement confirming that consumers on the West Coast of Demerara have been experiencing regular power interruptions, particularly during the evening peak hours.The company had said that the interruptions started when the demand for power on the West Coast of Demerara exceeded the allowable capacity on the feeder.“Initially it was thought that the fault on the feeder was causing protection equipment to operate but diligent checks and evaluation confirmed that the demand for power has exceeded the allowable capacity on the feeder.”The power company stated that while efforts are being made to manage the increased load,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, consumers on the West Coast are being urged to conserve electricity use, particularly during the evening peak period from 18:00 — 21:90 Hrs.Meanwhile, GPL stated that construction of its new 20.7MW plant at Kingston is moving apace and commissioning is expected to commence in late September.It was noted that this exercise would take a number of weeks, but when the plan achieves commercial operation, the capacity shortfalls that are being experienced and which is the reason for most of the load shedding, would be solved.

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