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發表於 2018-6-22 02:23:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Telecommunications giant,Cheap Jerseys 2018, Digicel, launched its long-awaited 4G network service,Cheap NFL jerseys China, yesterday, at one of its branches in Bartica. As part of the all-new superfast 4G network,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, Digicel officials introduced 4G Smart Bundles consisting ofDigicel officials during the launch of the 4G network service.bigger data bundles and Free Talk and Texts to all local numbers.Kaieteur News understands that these new packages will be available to all postpaid and prepaid Digicel customers.Digicel representatives explained that the faster 4G service will be available to Digicel’s customers in Georgetown, Berbice, Essequibo, Linden and out of town areas such as Port Kaituma,NFL Jerseys China, Kwakwani and Mahdia. Digicel also has plans to upgrade other areas in the coming months.Digicel Guyana CEO, Kevin Kelly, also expressed his gratitude to the Minister of Public Telecommunications and Tourism, Cathy Hughes,Cheap Jerseys Online, and to the people of Bartica.“We would like to give a special thank you to Minister Hughes for delivering on her promises to move the sector forward and to the people of Bartica who have always supported Digicel. We could therefore think of no better place to celebrate this significant service enhancement. 4G is here in Guyana and it’s going to give our customers a great network experience.”He continued, “With our bigger 4G mobile network, customers throughout Guyana will be able to enjoy a completely upgraded mobile experience with reliable,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, high-speed internet. Customers can get access to their favourite social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, stream YouTube videos and share messages and photos at much faster speeds.“On our Bigger 4G Network, Digicel is now offering a number of options that combine value offers of  data, texts and talk time to any local number all for one low price to meet our valued customers’ needs.”The Digicel CEO said that his company also has new 4G smart plans for its postpaid and business customers. He explained that postpaid customers will be contacted and upgraded to a suitable 4G plan during the week commencing tomorrow.Kelly intimated that postpaid customers can also contact the corporate line on 600 2677 to upgrade or for details on purchasing a new postpaid plan. He noted that Prepaid customers can continue to dial *136# to activate a 4G plan.For more information regarding Digicel’s 4G upgraded Internet, customers are encouraged to visit the entity’s Facebook page,Cheap NFL Jerseys, one of its stores or call its Customer Care line by dialing 100.

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