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發表於 2018-6-22 07:41:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Communication giant Digicel,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, has lauded the decision of Justice Rishi Persaud last Friday in which he ruled that the monopoly held by GT&T to provide telecommunications service or to regulate voice and data transmission over the internet is unlawful and void. The company yesterday indicated via statement that it had long challenged GT&T’s claim to a monopoly on international services in Guyana since 1990.Chief Executive Officer, Gregory Dean, stated that Digicel itself has issued legal proceedings challenging the GT&T monopoly,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, which are awaiting a hearing before the Courts.  Dean said that thankfully “the High Court of Guyana has now conclusively determined that the monopoly is unlawful and invalid”. Dean further noted that the decision of the High Court is of enormous significance to the people of Guyana signaling as it does the end of the international monopoly in Guyana.He noted that following the expiration of the international monopoly in Antigua last month,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Guyana remained the last country in the Caribbean region to allow an international monopoly to persist.The CEO assured the people of Guyana that Digicel “will move quickly to pass on the benefits of the ending of this monopoly through lower international rates,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, advanced mobile technology,NFL Jerseys From China, increased investment in remote communities and exciting new products and services”.“Digicel has been pushing for many years to have this outdated monopoly brought to an end.  This decision of the High Court is wonderful news for the Guyanese consumer.  We intend giving the people of Guyana something that they have never seen before in terms of value and service on international calls,” Dean concluded.After ten years of operation, Digicel Group Limited has over 11 million customers across its 31 markets in the Caribbean,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Central America and the Pacific.Justice Persaud on Friday ruled against the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company, and awarded damages in excess of $850,000 to James Samuels who had taken the company to court after the disruption of his DSL service back in 2006. The case lasted for almost two years. Samuels was represented by attorney at law P. Mohanlall,NFL Jerseys Clearance, while GT&T was represented by Miles Fitzpatrick SC and Mr. T. Jonas.

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