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By Latoya Giles Trade Ministers from across the region met yesterday at the Princess Hotel, to discuss the Strategic Direction of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED). The special session was held to iron out several key agenda issues including the recent judgment by the Caribbean Court of Justice in the Shanique Myrie case which has cemented the Community’s rules-based system.Secretary-General of Caricom, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque said that the discussion was an integralSecretary-General of Caricom, Ambassador Irwin LaRocqueelement of the Community’s agenda for change. He said that discussions were being held at a time when the Community is searching for answers.“ We are searching for answers on how best to advance the integration process…we are searching for answers to alleviate the low levels of growth and high levels of debt and most importantly, we are searching for answers to raise employment levels,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, particularly among our youth” LaRocque noted.He told participants that there is a quest for innovative ideas to drive the progress of the integration movement. He pointed out that after 40 years the region’s integration movement continues to endure,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, giving cause for celebration in the midst of reflection and introspection.  He noted that the region continues to remain relevant to its members. “We are engaged in seeking ways to improve the way we do business.”According to LaRocque, the Community is in the process of reviewing every facet of its operation and institutions.  He said that the heads of Government has agreed that it was necessary to examine the future direction of the Community and to craft the requisite arrangements to govern the agreed structure.LaRocque went on to state that work has already begun on the Five-Year Strategic Plan for the Community.  The     Secretary General urged that COTED’s agenda and deliberations must be more strategic as they seek to address the challenges faced by Member States.“The role of the institutions that relate to COTED is equally important, as they are an integral part of our integration architecture, and have been established to facilitate our economic and trading arrangements.  COTED must ensure that any discussion on its future construct and operation must take a full account of that architecture.”“As a Region we must collectively endeavor to put all our Member States on a sound footing in order to tackle the harsh economic realities head on” LaRocque posited.  In regards to Caricom,NFL Jerseys Supply, enhancing competitiveness and expanding trade are crucial elements for propelling growth and improving the welfare of the Region,nfl jerseys china, he said.  He urged the ministers to be fully aware of their challenges and limitations and seek to address these,Wholesale Jerseys, both at the regional and national levels.Ambassador LaRocque said that while the region address challenges, the key to achieving its economic goal would be the full involvement of the private sector. He urged the Ministers to bring the private sector to the table. “It is the private sector who produces …it is the private sector who trades” LaRocque noted.Minister of Foreign Affairs Carolyn Rodrigues- BirkettMeanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Minister Carolyn Rodrigues- Birkett who acted as Chair of the Council for Trade and Economic Development (COTED) said that the principal engagement was to improve the living standards of the region’s people. She said this was the first objective of the Community as stated in the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas and COTED’s remit is to promote the trade and economic development of the Community.According to Minister Birkett, the region is certainly not short on vision, orators or great speeches. She said that they are much involved in reviewing and updating the Revised Treaty. Minister Birkett posited that trade ministers must ensure that implementation is accelerated.“The only direction for the Caribbean Community is forward – in all respects of the Treaty’s declared promises and common goals” Birkett stressed.  “The Caribbean’s history is replete with instances of regional leadership in the global community, however must re- discover the region’s natural instinct to lead and not merely follow, we are small but not insignificant” the Minister noted.Minister Birkett urged the trade Ministers to take the tough decisions and commit to follow through, and owe it to themselves and people.“Let us deliver real value for the people’s investment in the one Caribbean project and in this regard,Cheap Jerseys From China, COTED can and should harness the ideas and input of the Caribbean public in its policymaking and implementation process” the Minister stressed.Like Ambassador LaRocque, Minister Birkett called for the engagement of the private sector which acts as the engine of growth, jobs and innovation.  The minister also asked for the engagement of young people who are the future captains of Caribbean industry. “Their belief in and commitment to the Caribbean project is essential to the success and sustainability of the region’s integration” Birkett said.She opined that the youths must be convinced and they must be won over.  The Minister further said that the universities and technical colleges must also be brought into the fight to harness the relevant human resources.

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