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發表於 2018-6-22 10:40:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-McCoy left out by PPP in Region Four– Mingo left out by APNU in Region TenThe election of Regional Chairman for the country’s ten administrative regions takes place tomorrow.Mortimer Mingo,Cheap China Jerseys, who served as Region Ten Chairman,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, has not been selected by the main opposition APNU (A Partnership for National Unity) for a spot on the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) and will therefore not be elected chairman again.Mingo was at the centre of a public row in which it was claimed that he had initially accepted a government offer for a piece of land in the now famous Pradoville 2 where former President Bharrat Jagdeo and a string of high-profile officials had chosen for house lots.Mingo served as the chairman after being put in the position by his colleagues in the People’s National Congress Reform, which later joined other partners to form APNU to contest the November 28 polls.Another controversial figure who will not feature in tomorrow’s elections is Kwame McCoy, the President’s Information Liaison Officer,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who was accused of disrupting a number of meetings of the RDC for Region Four.McCoy’s name does not appear on the list submitted by the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) for tomorrow’s elections.Councilors for the RDCs are selected by political parties based on votes cast at the elections. A meeting is called by the Regional Executive Officer at which the Councilors are sworn-in. Once they are sworn in, nominations for a chairman and vice-chairman are then made and the two are elected by the very councilors who were sworn in.The PPP/C is likely to secure the top post in six regions, given that it has an absolute majority of seats on the RDCs on those regions. These are Regions One,Cheap Jerseys From China, Two, Three, Five, Six, and Nine. David Armogan, a self-employed businessman,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, is likely to be the chairman in Region Six.APNU is likely to secure the chairmanship in Regions Four, Seven and Ten.The Region that hangs in the balance is Region Eight, where none of the parties enjoys an absolute majority. With six seats,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the AFC has a single majority,Jerseys From China, but that would not allow it to secure the chairmanship as the combined opposition parties hold a total of nine seats. The PPP/C and APNU gained four seats each, while The United Force, secured one seat on the RDC.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-30 17:24:19 | 只看該作者

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"I believe this whole thing about (domestic violence),Nike Brooklyn Nets Authentic Jerseys, I believe it's a major thing. I believe no woman,Authentic Baltimore Ravens Jersey, nobody in specific should go through it," Clark said. "Like I said, myself personally, in my case I believe I put myself in a bad position."
Clark took part in his first practice with the Seahawks on Friday as Seattle opened its weekend rookie minicamp. It was the first practice for Clark since last November, prior to his arrest in Sandusky, Ohio and getting kicked off the football team at Michigan as a result.
"It matters because at the end of the day you don't want to be labeled as what some call a woman beater or things of that nature," Clark said. "But at the same time it doesn't bother me because I know what I did and what I didn't do."
RENTON, Wash. (AP) — Frank Clark spent the past week since being drafted in the second round by the Seattle Seahawks reliving what took place last November, when he was arrested on a domestic violence charge.
Clark's name has been brought up nationally all week, debated as to whether he was worthy of being drafted considering the details of the police report following his arrest, and whether Seattle did an adequate job of investigating the circumstances around the incident.
Clark agreed to a plea deal last month that dismissed the first-degree misdemeanor charges for domestic violence and assault and had him accepting a charge of persistent disorderly conduct,World Baseball Classic Jerseys, a fourth-degree misdemeanor.
Despite Clark saying he's been upfront and honest about the arrest since the start, the past week has been difficult for the rookie defensive end with the scrutiny raised about his selection by Seattle.

"I think he'll continue to show you why," Carroll said. "We'll support him through it. He's got a great opportunity and I think he's going to take advantage of it and do the right thing. I think he's going to be an asset and be a positive and a plus to us as we watch him develop."
Clark reiterated on Friday that he should not have put himself in that position.
"I just want to gain the trust of the fans. I want to gain the trust of my coaching staff as far as playing on the field. And I want to gain the trust of everyone, all my fans, and the viewers watching personally," Clark said. "Like I said,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, I'm not a bad person at all. I'm a great person. I'm a family person. I'm a great guy to be around."
The police report in the case showed that officers responded to calls about a disturbance at a hotel and found Clark in the parking lot with bloody scratches on his nose and the odor of alcohol "emanating" from him,Cheap Atlanta Braves Jerseys, according to the police report. Inside, they found two broken lamps and a woman, Diamond Hurt, with a welt on her cheek and blood on one side of her head.
The Seahawks have remained steadfast that their investigation into Clark and his arrest made them comfortable to make the selection.
Seattle coach Pete Carroll said the team's investigation into Clark's background and the arrest last November led them to fully believe that Clark deserved an opportunity to be drafted.
Hurt's 15-year-old brother told police Clark "grabbed (Hurt) by her throat,Adam Shaheen Jersey, picked her up off the ground and slammed her to the ground while also landing on top of her."
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