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Adidas Nmd r1 Pink Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris









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發表於 2018-6-22 10:58:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A former policeman who was linked to the infamous “Phantom Squad” escaped execution early yesterday morning when he was attacked by two men.Otis Grant, 39,Nike Air Max Shoes Sale, of Beterverwagting,2018 Nike Air Max 97, East Coast Demerara, was hit five times about his body with bullets. He is currently recuperating at a city hospital.Police stated in a press release that at about 05:15hours yesterday, Otis Grant was sitting in a parked motor vehicle on Regent Street, when two men approached and discharged rounds at him.“Otis Grant was hit about his body and has been admitted to hospital. The perpetrators escaped in a waiting motor vehicle. Investigations are in progress,” the police statement said.A resident of the area where the shooting occurred told this newspaper that she was awakened by the sound of gunshots.“Was a whole set of shots,” the resident stated.Upon peering out she saw two men in black running east along Regent Street before turning north on Shiv Chanderpaul Drive.The resident said that she then heard a female voice urging someone to get into a vehicle and upon closer examination, she saw a man “limping around a car with a gun in his hand.”It turned out to be Grant,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Uk, who was clearly wounded.From all indications Grant traded gunshots with the would-be executioners, who apparently panicked and abandoned their mission.“De man shoot back and maybe that is what saved his life. But like he had wanted to go after the two men even though he was wounded,” the resident said.Grant was eventually persuaded to go into a car which took him to the hospital.A few minutes later,Air Max 1 Atmos, the police turned up and collected several spent shells which they said were fired from two different caliber weapons.According to reports Grant had dropped home his girlfriend when the attack occurred.Grant is a well known individual to the police having been questioned about a few execution style killings.He was linked to the infamous “Phantom Squad” that was led by the convicted drug dealer Shaheed Roger Khan.In 2005,Undefeated Air Max 97 White, the Guyana Police Force had issued an extraordinary bulletin informing the public that nine ex-policemen including Grant were dismissed or interdicted for various acts of misconduct and were no longer empowered to perform duties as members of the Police Force.Grant was later fingered in the 2011 killing of an elderly woman, Clementine Fiedtkou-Parris, in her home on Robb Street.He turned himself over to investigators at Eve Leary with a lawyer after police had expressed an interest in talking to him about the execution style murder.According to the police, after Grant turned himself in,Nike Shox Clearance, subsequent investigations led to a search on a building under construction at Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara, during which a .22 rifle and a .243 rifle were found. The building is located a mere two doors from where Grant lived.A source said that the man’s property was searched but nothing was found.

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