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發表於 2018-6-22 13:42:59 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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As a rookie with Seattle last year, Collins had Wholesale China Jerseys 31 carries, 11 receptions and two fumbles. He started this season on Baltimore's practice squad, moved up in Week 2 after Danny Woodhead was put on injured reserve with a pulled hamstring and now leads the NFL in yards per carry.
Collins uses speed and quickness to hit the hole in a hurry and slither out of tackles. West is more of power runner, and Allen possesses the qualities of the other two in addition to being a threat as a receiver. He's tied for the team  lead with 16 catches and took one into the end zone in Week 2 against Cleveland.

Asked if he was disappointed with the lack of action, West replied, "No. Whatever the play call is, I just accept it and go on. I'm Cheap Stitched Jerseys just trying to win."
Two weeks ago, West lost a fumble that Jacksonville turned into a touchdown. He started the first three games, but last week he came off the bench and lost seven yards on four attempts.
"We're doing a good job there," quarterback Joe Flacco said Wednesday. "Having multiple running backs is huge because in this league, you very rarely have a guy for 16 weeks who's going to be able to carry the full load. So the fact that we have a few guys that get in there and do it should be big for us coming down the stretch."
"It's three guys that have a little bit different skill sets, do some different things well," coach John Harbaugh said. "We try to game-plan them in there and keep people off balance."
As a result, the Ravens (2-2) own the league's ninth-ranked run game.
West started the first three games,Cheap Jerseys, but Allen has more carries than the other two. Collins received his first NFL start last week and finished with 82 yards, including a 50-yarder that set up Baltimore's lone touchdown in a 26-9 loss to Pittsburgh.
He did,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, however, lose a fumble for the second time in three games. Both fumbles led to touchdowns for the opposition, and that's something Harbaugh won't tolerate.
Alex Collins leads the Wholesale China Jerseys group with 206 yards rushing and is averaging a robust 8.2 yards per carry. Javorius Allen has 159 yards, and Terrance West has run for 121 yards and two touchdowns.
OWINGS MILLS, Md. (AP) — Perhaps the one positive aspect of the Baltimore Ravens' sputtering offense is the running game, in which three different backs have helped offset the NFL's lowest-ranked passing attack.
Collins ability to make something out of nothing is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes, when he's twisting for that extra yard,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the ball pops loose.
Three backs sharing the load isn't ideal for a Fantasy Football NFL Jerseys Cheap player who likes the Ravens, as West is the only player on team with a rushing touchdown.
"We're working on the way he carries the ball, technique-wise," Harbaugh said. "I don't think we have any fumblers. Once you feel a guy is a fumbler, you're pretty much done with him."
It's actually important now, because Flacco has thrown only four touchdown passes in four games with six interceptions.
"I think they'll all have touchdowns before it's over,NBA Jerseys China," Harbaugh said. "That would be the plan."
"You just can't dwell on it. Can't think about the mistakes," he said. "I have a job to do out there, and my teammates are depending on me."
Collins' focus Sunday on the road against Oakland (2-2) will be to make yardage and hold onto the football,Jerseys From China.
"With Alex, it's the way you hold the football," Flacco said. "When you're fighting for extra yards,NFL Jerseys Store, you have to know when to call it quits and get what you've got."

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