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發表於 2018-6-22 14:35:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Following the revelations that President’s College (PC) will be cutting down on cost by firing a number of staff members, Kaieteur News understands that the institution is in some $25 million deficit.This newspaper was informed by a reliable source that Chairman of the Board of Directors, David DeGroot, held a meeting recently with some staff members of the college when he announced the figure.However, to date the staff has not been told anything tangible by the board, so they are anxiously waiting to hear when the staff cut will be instituted.Kaieteur News had reported that approximately 30 persons on the auxiliary staff of President’s College are slated to be transferred from the institution by the Ministry of Education in Georgetown, while others are expected to be asked to retire, having reached the age limit, as the ministry and the board of the College are trying to cut costs at the institution.This newspaper was later informed that more staff has been recommended by the special task force established by Education Minister Shaik Baksh to be transferred or asked to retire from their position,Jerseys Wholesale, while some positions would remain redundant.A reliable source from President’s College told this newspaper that this move by the Education Ministry will have a terrible effect on the employees, the majority of whom live in and around the area, and as such if this is to take effect, the staff is worried about how they would foot their transportation costs to Georgetown every day.The source noted that although there is hearsay that the move by the Ministry will take effect from next month, no official word has been given to the employees targeted.Kaieteur News understands that the Board is also planning to rid the college of all the cattle and to deal with only a poultry establishment.This newspaper had reported that a finance committee meeting was held at President’s College on January 15, last, where the committee examined the recommendations of the task force to cut costs at the college.Kaieteur News is in possession of the minutes of that meeting and the committee has since recommended that all staff would have to pay for meals. The principal, deputy principal, administrative manager, Medex, house parents and kitchen staff would be entitled to meals while on duty.Also, teachers living in staff houses would have to pay a monthly charge of $5,000 for electricity until meters are installed.All allowances, responsibility, housing, travelling and honoraria would cease, except teachers’ duty allowance, acting allowance and motor car travelling allowance for the administrative manager, a standard entitlement fixed by the Public Service Ministry.When this was revealed, President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU), Colwyn King, had said that he plans to request that the Board of Directors at the college review their position as it relates to the recommendations soon to be implemented at the learning institution.King had noted that it is ‘utter nonsense’ with what is taking place at the college.The GTU president explained to this newspaper that the special task force has also recommended that the additional 25 percent that the teachers at President’s College receive on a monthly basis be removed from their salary.

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發表於 2018-6-30 05:27:11 | 只看該作者

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