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Cheap Adidas Superstar Shoes Linden.In September last









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發表於 2018-6-22 15:40:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bids were retendered yesterday to the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB), for the construction of One-Mile Primary School, Linden.In September last, five bids were submitted for the construction of the school. The engineer’s estimate at that time was $60M. However, the present engineer’s estimate is $172.9M – almost triple that amount. The then bidders included: Deodat Harrynand, Eshau Akbar Construction Service,2018 Nike Vapor Max Plus, Bhoraj Construction Supplies, R Bassoo and Sons Construction Company and P.D Contracting.The school was set ablaze by arsonist(s) last August. It was the largest primary school in Region 10,Air Max 2018 Shoes, housing more than 800 students.The bids opened yesterday were as follows:BidderAmount Builders Hardware and General Supplies$159M (No bid security submitted)H. Nauth and Sons$242.7MR Bassoo and Sons Construction Company$179.8MKares Engineering Inc.$157.5MEshau Akbar Construction Service$154MEngineer’s Estimate $172.9MStill in the education sector, bids were opened for the re-printing and delivery of textbooks for national distribution- Nursery Level. The bids were divided into two lots that included Coloured,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, Black and White.BidderAmountOffice Authority Ltd of TrinidadLots 1&2-$ US$363,517.06¢Ramsawak Arjune Painting and Graphics Arts ServiceLot 1 (Full Colour) $22.8MF&H Printing Est.Lots 1&2- $35.8M VAT InclusiveEniath’s Printing Company of TrinidadLots 1&2- $63.1MA1 Print ShopLot 1 (Black and White) $23MLot 1 (Coloured) $32.6MLot 2 (Black and White) 19.4MLot 2 (Coloured) $25.1MMeanwhile, the Office of the President retendered for the supply,Adidas Superstar Shoes For Women, installation and commissioning of a Variable Voltage/ Frequency Converter Drive.BidderAmountTELS  Engineering Service$17.3MFarfan & Mendes Ltd$16.2MThe Office of the President also received three bids for the provision of security services at E- Government LTE sites. BidderAmountR.K. Guyana Security Services$26.8M (VAT Inclusive)Amazon Security and Investment Services$10.3MN.M. Security Solutions$77.4MThe Supreme Court of Judicature received bids for the Provision of Sanitact Service and Pest Control.BidderAmountRentokil Guyana LtdBidder did not use form of tender page or submit a total bid.Pestex Environmental Solutions$2.4MBids were submitted for the Rehabilitation of the Guyana Revenue Authority’s Regional Integrated Office-Linden.BidderAmountPioneer General Construction$23.3MJ.P.M. General Construction and Engineering Services$20.2MAura Engineering Company$26MEngineer’s Estimate $27.6MUnder the Ministry of Culture, Youth & Sport bids were submitted for the construction of a monument at Palmyra, East Canje, Region Six.BidderAmountKascom Engineering Service$11.3MGupta Contracting and General Service$9.6MEngineer’s Estimate $14.6MBids were received for the Procurement of Armed Security Services in 2014 for the Audit Office of Guyana.BidderAmountR K Guyana Security Services$7.9MStrategic Action Security Ltd$5.8MA lone bid was submitted for the Provision of Security Services at the National Exhibition Centre under the Ministry of Tourism,Air Max 97 NZ, Industry & Commerce.BidderAmountBrans Security Service$29MStill within the sector, another lone bid was submitted for the Provision of Security Services- Ministry of Tourism, Industry & Commerce Head Office.BidderAmount Kalibur Security$13.4MUnder the National Parks Commission,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, bids were submitted for the raising of the athletic track at the National Park.BidderAmountFuture Tech Construction$8.9MAndrew Howard Construction Service$11.1MNova Investments General Construction$24.8MR.P. Construction Agency$8.5MSattaur Mohammed and Sons Construction$10.6MV.S .Construction$11.9MBholanauth Ramraj$19.6MEngineer’s Estimate $11.9MThe National Parks Commission also received bids for the excavation of a pond at Joe Vieira Park.BidderAmountFuture Tech Construction$4.6MAndrew Howard Construction Service$5.7MNova Investments General Construction$6.7MSattaur Mohammed and Sons Construction$9.7MR.P. Construction Agency$5.2MBholanauth Ramraj$11.5MD&S Construction$5.7MEngineer’s Estimate $11.3M

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