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Nike Air Max 1 Mens Sale Grace Bond









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發表於 2018-6-24 16:50:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-take computer and accessoriesUp to 17:00 hours yesterday officials from the Guyana Nurses Association were waiting on ranks from the Guyana Police Force to lift fingerprints from their office located on Alexander and Charlotte Streets. The office had been broken into some time over the weekend.According to Executive Director of the Association,Nike Tns Sale, Grace Bond,Air Max 97 Buy Online, several items were stolen some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning. Bond said the breakage was discovered by a church member.She explained that the upper flat of the building is rented out on Sundays,Air Max Shoes For Sale, to a church for their regular service.“When the persons came to set up for church they noticed the doors were opened so they immediately informed the caretakers.”The office at the Guyana Nurses Association Building which was broken into over the weekend.A report was made to the Alberttown Police Station and the scene was visited by a rank. According to Bond,Nike Free Run Shoes Clearance, whoever broke into the building made good their escape with one Dell Laptop computer,Cheap Air Jordan Shoes Wholesale, one Dell Desk top computer and one Multi Media Projector.Bond said the items were removed from an office located in the upper flat of the two-storey building. She said that from all indications the person or persons who carried out the act entered the building from a window located at the back of the building. She further speculated that the person had a clear idea of what was in the office and what he wanted as the place was not ransacked.“It has to be someone who knows the operations of this place and what was in the office…There is no sign that the person was looking for anything else since the place was just as we left it,Nike Air Max Shoes Sale, expect for the missing items,”.The Executive Director said she is not pleased with the slothful pace at which the police are conducting their investigation. She said that on Sunday they were promised that fingerprint experts will return to the scene early yesterday morning.Bond said that when she contacted the Alberttown Police station yesterday morning she was told that the ranks were in court. Around 16:00 hours yesterday the woman was still on the telephone with the police enquiring when the fingerprint expert would show up.

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