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Air Max 1 Atmos National Centre for Educational Resource Development









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發表於 2018-6-26 09:56:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Under the theme “Partners in Development” the Ministry of Education in collaboration with United Nations Children’s Fund, (UNICEF) staged an Education Fair at the Ministry of Education Sports Complex Carifesta Avenue on Thursday.The event saw hundreds of students of various schools visiting the various booths that were erected to sensitize students to a variety of topics.Some of the booths were erected by Carnegie School of Home Economics, Guyana Police Force, National Centre for Educational Resource Development (NCERD), Guyana Industrial Training Centre, University of Guyana, Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, Government Technical Institute (GTI) and Starr Solar.Participants also received free mobile dental screening,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, testing and screening for blood pressure and sugar levels and HIV Counseling and Testing.PAHO/WHO representative, Adrianus Vlugman, noted that health and education go hand in hand and the Ministry of Education is focusing on healthy lifestyles. This, he stressed, is being added as part of the curriculum for Caribbean Examination Council (CXC) in the form of Physical Education.Vlugman said that in 2007 the CARICOM Governments came together and agreed that Physical Education should be given the attention it deserves.Adding that lack of physical activity causes many of the root diseases that afflict people, the PAHO/WHO representative said that students should be encouraged to enjoy physical activities since children would normally spend much time in front of the television and the computers.“Obesity in children is increasing, which is a direct result of a lack of physical activity,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens Trainers, so physical education is an important aspect of the curriculum. Parents should encourage their kids to be active”Education Minister Shaik Baksh emphasized the desired success of the Ministry of Education will not be achieved unless parents give their unstinting support to ensure that their children receive a quality education, while noting that parents are presumably the weakest link in the education sector.The Minister said that the Ministry of Education has been making a concerted effort to create more child-friendly classrooms and that it is time that more parents begin to make their home more child-friendly by playing a more active role in their children’s education.He told the gathering, which included Heath Minister Dr. Leslie Ramsammy; Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai, senior education officials,Jordan Shoes For Sale Cheap, teachers, parents and hundreds of students that the role of parents in their children’s education cannot be overstated and that all stakeholders need to come on board.Baksh said the Schools’ Welfare Department,Nike Air Max 97 Australia, through the Guidance and Counseling officers,Nike Air Max Zero White, Schools’ Welfare Officers and the Parent-Teacher Association Coordinator, has been aggressively working with parents throughout the country to get parents to understand the value of education.The Minister explained that his team has been working to build partnerships with stakeholders to strengthen efforts in this regard as it has recognized that the task at hand cannot be adequately handled by the Ministry of Education alone.He also stressed that the message has been “catching on” and the Ministry of Education will not rest until all parents recognize and embrace the important of education in their children’s development and the development of the country.The Minister noted that the Ministries of Health, Labour, Human Services and Social Security, Local Government and Amerindian Affairs along with international agencies such as the PAHO/ WHO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNESCO and several local non-governmental organizations have come onboard in support of the work of the Ministry of Education.On that point, he said that the time is ripe for parents to get more involved in their children’s education now than ever. He underscored that the Ministry of Education remains steadfastly committed to work in the best interest in the children’s education.Parents, he told the gathering, can also do simple things to improve the outcomes of their children in the classroom such as reading to them,Air Max Shoes For Sale, making sure that they do their homework, attend school regularly and punctually, and monitor their behaviour both in and out of school.Health Minster Dr. Leslie Ramsammy commended Minister Baksh for establishing an education fair; pointing out that the welfare of children is the business of the entire nation and no effort must be spared to ensure that they realize their potential as meaningful contributors to society.He emphasized the importance of early education in the child’s learning process and disclosed that the Early Childhood Education Development Committee will be resuscitated with the relevant ministries onboard, with a more vibrant programme.According to Dr Ramsammy, Minister Baksh has been a champion in the inter-disciplinary approach to education and was optimistic that the partnerships being created will provide the necessary impetus to overcome the challenges to build an efficient, productive and results-oriented education sector.He also disclosed that the Ministry of Health will be working closely with the Ministry of Education to introduce a training programme for vendors in and around the school environment to ensure that they comply with basic health requirements.Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai was also in high praise of the Ministry of Education, pointing out that the school feeding programme has been making a positive impact on students’ attendance while at the same time enabling rural farmers to enjoy a sustainable livelihood by supplying the produce for the programme.Deputy Director of the Child Protection Unit, Diana Lawrence, lauded the government for instituting the legislative framework to comprehensively address issues affecting the child, and called on children not to be silent on speaking out on any form of abuse meted out to them, noting that some 85 per cent of cases occur in the home.

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