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As is customary at Kaieteur News, each reporter was tasked with writing a Christmas feature. Even as the other reporters were deliberating their topics,Alexis Sanchez Chile Jersey, I made it clear that I would be featuring the traditional recipes of Christmas. I chose this topic for two reasons; one being that it was easy to complete and the other being that I’m an avid lover of food.Guyanese enjoy “dressing” up their homes during this season, but the real pride comes from the preparation of the food.In this article I’ll share with you a few of the traditional dishes that most Guyanese enjoy at Christmas.Black Cake ….Christmas isn’t Christmas without “black cake”, that’s what most people say.  Although black cake has over the years made its mark as a signature dish, featuring at weddings, topped with delicious icing, there is no denying that it is a requirement for most when the Christmas season rolls around.  In order to bake a perfect black cake, one should plan for it way in advance. Soaking the fruits in rum, brandy, port and other flavors is very important to make a flawless cake. The longer the fruits are soaked, the better the outcome.Recipe for Black CakeIngredientsBlack Cake– ¼ lb cherries–  1 lb local dried fruits (or raisins)–  1 cup rum– 1½ lbs. brown sugar– ½ teaspoon baking powder– 1 teaspoon cinnamon– ½ lb flour– 12 eggs– ¼ lb orange or lemon peel– ½ lb butterPreparation– Grind dried fruits and soak in three cups of rum. Store in an air tight container for three weeks.– Prepare the caramel by heating the sugar until it turns dark brown.– Cream the butter and sugar. Add the eggs, soaked fruits, and rum. When it is well blended,NCAA Hockey Jerseys, pour the caramel.– Add the flour with the baking powder and mixed spice.– Fold in the cherries.– Pour mixture in a baking pan and bake in a slow oven (about 300 degrees Fahrenheit) for two hours. Remove cake from pan after two days.Pepper PotIf you are Guyanese,WBC Jerseys 2017, then more than likely, you will be having Pepperpot for breakfast on Christmas morning. Pepperpot is a unique stew made with casareep and some type of red meat or pork (some people use chicken), but that seems to be the exception.  The stew is cooked with a handful of ingredients and tends to taste better over time. It is served alongside slices of bread.Pepperpot is considered a national dish and one that was made popular by the Amerindians. It is believed that these indigenous people concocted this dish as a means to preserve their meats since they did not have refrigeration.IngredientsPepperpot3 lbs of meat- beef, lamb or pork1 cup casareep4 cinnamon sticks (not ground)1 1/2 inch orange peel6 cloves1-2 wiri wiri peppers1/2 cup light brown sugar1 1/2 tsp salt16 cups waterDirections:Steam the meat for about 20 minutes so that all the fat can be removed.  You want your meat to be very lean and this step will help you achieve that.  Once you have steamed the meat,Deion Jones Falcons Jersey, remove any dangling pieces of fat.  Set aside.In a large pot, bring the 16 cups of water to a boil.  Add the casareep and all of the ingredients.  Add the meat and continue to boil until the meat is tender and until the broth has reduced by three-quarters.Garlic PorkGarlic pork is another traditional dish which is prepared during this festive season.  It’s a Portuguese pickled pork dish which is always welcomed at breakfast.Ingredients2 pints vinegar1/2lb garlic1 bunch fine thyme6-8 wirri-wirri peppers4-6 cloves4 teaspoon saltMethod for preparing garlic porkCut pork into bite size pieces. Steep pork in solution of 1/4 pint vinegar and water, then remove pork pieces, and put in large jar or bottle. Pound garlic, thyme and pepper, add the rest of vinegar with the salt and clove. Pour this mixture over pork, making sure there is enough liquid to cover completelyLeave to soak for 3 to 4 days or longer if possible, use as desire.PreparationIn a pan put pork with very little of vinegar liquid and leave to boil until liquid evaporates. Fry pork in fat that was melted during boiling, until brown. To follow through on tradition you should serve hot with home-made Bread.Ginger beerGinger-beer is a must have in my home,Billy Price Jersey, although for some reason I don’t ever part take in the drinking of it.  I’ve watched my grandmother make this drink countless times.IngredientsGinger Beer1 whole gingerroot1/2 teaspoon yeast3/4 cup sugar15 cloves1/4 teaspoon aniseDirections:1 -Take about a half-cup of warm water, and mix with sugar. Then sprinkle yeast on top. Let sit.2-Boil about 2 litres of water.3-Peel the ginger root and cut into smaller pieces.4-When water has been brought to a boil; add the ginger root, cloves, and anise.5-Boil for 30 minutes. Then remove ginger root and cloves.6-Dissolve 3/4 – 1 cup of sugar in the brew.7-Let the brew cool until it is tepid (ie won’t kill the yeast). Then add the yeast mixture to it.8- Now pour the mixture into a 2 litre plastic bottle. Top up with water. Make sure you leave between 5-8cm of air in the top.9- Now leave in a warmish place for about 1 day. Watch it carefully the first time – wait until the pressure has built up, then refrigerate.10 -Leave in the fridge for at least 2 days. If you leave it in longer, you’ll get more pressure.11- When you open the bottle, be very CAREFUL! The pressure should be very high by this time. It’s best to do it over the sink or outside,Cheap MLB Jerseys, and do NOT aim at anyone!12- If you’ve got good pressure, it will bubble out like champagne, so have glasses on hand to pour right away!

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發表於 2018-7-1 14:51:00 | 只看該作者

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The union is appealing Rice's suspension for violating the NFL's personal conduct policy,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date. The former Baltimore Ravens running back was suspended after video of him hitting his then-fiancee in an elevator was publicly released.
The person who informed the AP of the timing spoke on condition of anonymity because details about the hearing haven't been released.

Union officials said in announcing the appeal that Goodell and his staff's testimony is a central reason why it pushed to jointly select an outside arbiter.
A neutral arbiter is expected to decide early next week whether NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should testify during an appeal of Ray Rice's indefinite suspension, a person familiar with the case told The Associated Press on Thursday.
"I think Judge Jones is the one who ultimately is going to make the rules and determinations,Air Max 270 Sale," Goodell said at the owners' meetings in New York.
Goodell said in appointing Jones that she would have "our full cooperation as she hears and decides this appeal." Jones is a partner in a private law firm and is also a former Department of Justice attorney.
One month after Rice was initially suspended two games, Goodell said he didn't get things right and announced tougher penalties for future domestic violence incidents. But the penalties didn't apply to Rice. Once the video was released, the Ravens cut Rice and the league banned him indefinitely, with the league saying it considered the video new evidence.
Goodell said last week he'd leave the decision to former U,Cheap Baltimore Ravens Jerseys.S. District Judge Barbara S,Bradley Chubb Jersey. Jones,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale. She was picked by the commissioner and the players' union to hear Rice's appeal earlier this month. The hearing is tentatively set for November,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys.
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