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發表於 2018-7-4 02:58:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The matter against those charged in early December for carrying on an illegal procession at the Square of the Revolution resumed yesterday, with the prosecution providing witnesses ready to testify against the defendants.The matter was called before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry and was however adjourned until March 29 since a number of the defendants were not present in court.Attorney at Law James Bond, Bruce Whatley,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Fitzroy Corlette, Kenyo Henry Clifton Newman and Hamilton Holder were all present while former Chief-of-Staff of the Guyana Defence Force, Brigadier Edward Collins, Winston Greaves, Adrianna Joseph,Wholesale Jerseys China, David Hinds,Cheap Stitched MLB Jerseys, Adrianna Moses and Casey Duncan were absent, causing the court to issue notices for them to be present on the next occasion.Defence Attorney Nigel Hughes appeared for Brigadier Collins who,cheap jerseys, the lawyer said,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, was presently out of the country. Attorney Llewellyn John was also present to represent the other defendants. A battery of lawyers is representing the defendants.The defence team includes Leader on the Peoples’ National Congress Reform (PNCR) Robert Corbin, Attorney at Law, Senior Counsel Rex Mc Kay, Roger Yearwood,NFL Jerseys From China, Trenton Lake,Jerseys NFL China, Deborah Backer, Basil Williams, Michael Sommersaul and Nigel Hughes who expressed to the court his willingness to be in association with the team of lawyers representing the defendants.The prosecution had presented its witnesses to the court and had indicated its readiness to commence the trial against the defendants. John however requested the later date in March so that those concerned could be present for their hearing.The twelve persons are A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) supporters and in early December last year they were arrested for allegedly taking part in a procession where no permission had been granted for such an event.The police had claimed that the persons refused to disperse from the 1763 Monument despite being warned to go to their homes. The police then arrested and charged the demonstrators with the current offence after shooting them with rubber bullets.Bond and Collins are also facing additional charges that say they held a meeting in the public without having permission and spoke at that meeting where no notice was given. For these charges the men pleaded not guilty and for taking part in a procession all twelve of the defendants pleaded not guilty and were released on self bail.

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