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發表於 2018-7-6 00:20:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Without officially identifying the ultimate top student, Minister within the Education Ministry, Dr Desrey Fox, yesterday unveiled the much anticipated Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) 2009 results.Queen’s College, with excellent performances from Kia Persaud and Padminee Roshundatt who both gained 14 grade ones, Roberta Ferguson with 13 grade ones,Discount NFL Jerseys, Davendra Singh with 12 grade ones and two grade twos, Esha Homenauth with 12 grade ones, Dianne Natasha Narine and Tiffany Clementson both with 11 grade ones and two grade twos, accounted for one half of the top 14 students named yesterday.The other outstanding performers were Jasodra Boodhoo of St Rose’s High received Twelve grade ones and a grade two; Afria Mohamed of Anna Regina Multilateral – 11 ones, three twos and one three; Tajram Dhanraj of Bishops’ High – 11 ones and two twos; Jaikeshan Takchandra of West Demerara Secondary – 11 ones and one two; Joshua Bhudial of J C Chandisingh – 11 ones; Rajiv Nandall of Saraswati Vidya Nikitan – 11 ones and Davendradat Doonauth of Tagore Memorial – 11 ones.The disclosure was made during a press briefing held in the Studio of the National Centre for Education Research and Development (NCERD) in Kingston, Georgetown.A total of 10,Cheap Jerseys For Sale,243 candidates participated in the examination, and according to Dr Fox, the figures indicated that more students participated this year when compared to last year. In addition, she also revealed that candidates wrote more subjects this year.Candidates from Guyana were offered 36 subjects at the examination of which the results indicated excellent performances in 17 subjects where the grade one to three passes exceeded 75 percent.Based on the results, Dr Fox related that it is evident that candidates have done very well in the usual fields.The 17 subjects areas are: Agriculture Science (DA), Agriculture Science (SA), Chemistry, Clothing and Textiles, Information Technology (Technical), Food and Nutrition, Home Economics, Management, Human and Social Biology, Music, Integrated Science, Physics, Principles of Business, Social Studies, Typewriting, Theatre Arts, Electronic Document Preparation and Management and Physical Education and Sport.Satisfactory performances were recorded in 13 subjects namely: Biology,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Economics, English A, French, Office Administration, Principles of Account, Religious Education, Spanish, Technical Drawing,China Jerseys Cheap, Visual Arts, Building Technology (Const.), Building Technology (Woods), and Mechanical Engineering Technology.In each of these subject areas the Grade One to Three passes exceeded 50 percent while Grade One to Four passes were in excess of 75 percent.The overall performances in six subjects were however unsatisfactory. Grade One to Three passes in these subject areas were less than 50 per cent. These included: Caribbean History (43.76 percent),Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, English B (38.4 percent), Geography (44.75 percent), and Information Technology – General (12.50 percent), Mathematics (31.46 percent) and Electrical and Electronic Technology (49.81 percent).Also sharing the platform with Dr Fox yesterday was Permanent Secretary within the Ministry,Cheap Throwback NBA Jerseys, Mr. Pulandar Kandhi, who noted that there is tremendous room for improvement in the unsatisfactory range of subject areas.He disclosed too that there has been evident improvement in the Grade One to Three performances of candidates in the overall pass rate.“This year we have an overall pass of grades one to three of 63.7 percent which compares to 57.2 percent last year. If we were to consider grades one to four last year we had a 78.6 percent pass rate, this year it is 83.2 percent,” Kandhi disclosed.

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