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發表於 2018-7-6 01:35:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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About three miles west of Central Mahaicony, or about one mile east of the village called Perseverance where a once giant ‘Silk-cotton tree’ caused the Georgetown – Rosignol Highway to be split into two lanes, is situated a very quiet farming community.The population can be described as sparse. The village is called Now–or-Never.Leroy Sardina lives at A and B,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Now-or-Never,NFL Jerseys China, Mahaicony, East Coast Demerara. Nicola and Alison Thomas reside on ‘family land ‘at Lot C, adjacent to Mr. Sardina, and to the west of lots A and B where Mr. Sardina has a commercial chicken farm.At the time this publication visited, Mr. Sardina said that he had two hundred and fifty birds in each of the two pens, each measuring about forty by twenty-five feet.There has been an ongoing conflict between Mr. Sardina and his neighbours to the west, and on the leeward side of the chicken pen. They claim that the foul smell coming from the fowl-pen has been a health hazard because of the close proximity to their house.They are now seeking to gain the attention of the relevant authorities in an effort to have the matter resolved.The Thomas sisters are contending that the situation would have been different had Sardina been rearing a smaller number of birds. They said that the odour from the farm for most of the time is almost overwhelming.There are claims that the farm is responsible for medical conditions that two family members have developed. There is a little child, who reportedly would be vomiting quite often whenever the odour gets stronger.There is also evidence of medication prescribed for breathing problems and allergic reactions which the family claims are triggered by the smell from the chicken farm.Mr. Sardina,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, who sits on the Neighborhood Democratic Council, is claiming that his operations have been approved by the Regional Health Authorities, and so he will stand his ground. He once had ducks in a pen closer to the Thomas sisters. He gave that up,Cheap Jerseys, and he is now allowing his yard to be overgrown with bush in an effort to minimize dust affecting his neighbours.The Thomas family claims that they have reported the matter to the relevant authorities in Region Five,wholesale jerseys china, but nothing has been done. They continue to suffer. They have also sought the intervention of officials from outside the Region, and they are quite disappointed as well,Discount Football Jerseys, and frustrated at not having been given the attention they think they deserve.Both sides have accused the other of being verbally abusive. Mr. Sardina is adamant that he earns a living by rearing chicken, and does not have to satisfy anyone,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, having been certified by the relevant authorities.When contacted, the Sanitary Inspector for Region Five said that he could not speak to the media about the particular case.

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