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NFL Jerseys From China zpedjso2









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發表於 2018-7-6 22:25:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Almost eight months after an alleged rape, 38-year-old Mark Forde has appeared in court charged with carnal knowledge. The accused made his appearance yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.Forde is accused of having carnal knowledge of a teen.The charge was indictable and the accused was not required to plead.He was represented by defense counsel, Roger Yearwood. In making a bail application for his client, Yearwood told the court that his client has a fixed place of abode at Craig East Bank Demerara.He said prior to the accusation his client was gainfully employed as an Aviation Security Officer but was laid off after the allegation surfaced.The lawyer further questioned the authenticity of the allegation since the charge was only instituted several months after the incident.However Police Prosecutor Denise Griffith objected to bail. The prosecution expressed concern over the accused interfering with the witness. She further asked that the Magistrate take into consideration the seriousness and prevalence of the offence.When the Magistrate asked the virtual complainant if she had anything to say, the teen said that the accused has been spreading a lot of rumors about her ever since the incident, causing much embarrassment to her family.He was refused bail and the accused is expected to make his next court appearance on Friday at the Providence Magistrates’ court.  Meanwhile as the teen who was only discharged from the Georgetown Public Hospital after attempting suicide, and her family were leaving the court they were struck with horrifying news.They were told that another sibling of the virtual complainant had attempted suicide. Relative told this newspaper that the teen’s brother, a 20-year-old, ingested a poisonous substance around 11:30 hours yesterday.This newspaper was told that the brother,China NFL Jerseys, like his sister, had become frustrated over the constant harassment by his sister’s attacker.A family member told this newspaper that days prior to the sister attempting to end her own life, her attacker contacted him saying “Come see de video ah got on meh phone with me and you sister”. The brother claimed that his sister’s attacker was in the habit of telling person in the village of the gruesome things he did to the teen.Meanwhile the teen said she is somewhat satisfied that her attacker has been charged but is upset over the fact that this was only done after she almost lost her life.

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