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Jerseys Wholesale who is the girlfriend of Mrs. Taylor’s son









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發表於 2018-7-6 23:48:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A 22-year-old female soldier is likely to be charged with murder within a matter of days, as detectives continue to amass evidence linking her to the murder of 55-year-old Donna Taylor,Stitched Canada NBA Jerseys, whose bound corpse was found in her Agricola backyard last Sunday.Police already have a statement from the slain woman’s British-based guest, Samantha Sabat, in which she identified the Guyana Defence Force rank as one of the individuals who invaded Taylor’s home.Murdered: Donna TaylorSabat has reportedly told investigators that the woman had tried to clamber over her bedroom wall, while a man, who she had not seen, had repeatedly ordered her to open her bedroom door.The British-based woman escaped the attack by clambering through her bedroom window and jumping to the ground. It is believed that she sustained a fractured arm and facial and other injuries.According to sources, detectives have also spoken with some residents who claimed that they spotted the army rank in the area around the time that the attack on Mrs. Taylor occurred. The suspect has reportedly told police that she was at home.Police are treating the killing as a crime of passion, since they believe that the suspect,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, who is the girlfriend of Mrs. Taylor’s son, committed the act out of jealousy.   The Taylors’ guest, Samantha Sabat, is believed to have been the main target.Up to press time yesterday investigators were still trying to locate the female suspect’s alleged accomplice.Taylor’s hands were bound behind her back,China Jersyes Cheap, her throat was slit,Wholesale Jerseys China, and a piece of cloth was wrapped around her neck. Reports indicate that the mother of four was attacked in her bed around 23:00 hrs on Friday and slain after she was dragged to her backyard.The two women were alone at home when the attack occurred, since Mrs. Taylor’s husband, Bertram Taylor, was at work.A tenant in the bottom flat reportedly heard strange noises in the upper flat and contacted the slain woman’s spouse. One tenant who spoke with Kaieteur News recalled hearing a woman’s “shrill scream,holesale Soccer Jerseys,” and “muffled footsteps,”in Taylor’s flat.Mr. Taylor, who is a senior security officer at an East Bank Demerara fishing complex, told Kaieteur News that he received a call shortly after 23:00 hrs on Friday from a tenant who said that his wife “was keeping noise in the house.”Accompanied by his son, Mr. Taylor said that he immediately rushed home, where he found his British-based guest, Samantha Sabat, lying unconscious in the front yard.Mr. Taylor said that on entering his home, he found the premises ransacked. Several louver panes from a window in his bedroom and one in Sabat’s room were missing. His wife was also missing.Mr. Taylor said that he assumed that his wife had fled from the intruders,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and headed to the Ruimveldt Police Station to make a report.  By the time he returned, Mr. Taylor’s son and a neighbour had located Mrs. Taylor’s body in the backyard.

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