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Cheap Wholesale Jerseys Crabwood Creek









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發表於 2018-7-8 23:55:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– After lawyer withdraws serviceRocky Profitt, the main witness in the Preliminary Inquiry (PI) into the murder of Berbice businessman, Shameer Ali Mursalin, faced several questions from two of the accused men, after an attorney failed to enter an appearance for them,Shameer Ali Mursalinyesterday.Mursalin, called ‘Kazo,’ a trader,NBA Jerseys From China, of Grant 1805 Weld Tank Dam, Crabwood Creek, Corentyne, Berbice, was fatally shot on October 24, 2015.Mursalin’s death was as a result of a longstanding dispute with fellow traders in the area. Berbice trader,NFL Jerseys From China, Dennis Veerasammy, called “Diggles” and two of his employees,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Basheer Harrinauth, and Delroy Fraser, are before the court for the murder.Profitt was cross examined by murder accused Basheer Harrinauth and Delroy Fraser called ‘Bully boy,’ before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh at the Magistrate’s Court (being held at Regional Democratic Council) building at Springlands,Cheap China Jerseys, East Corentyne Berbice.The men opted to cross examine Profitt after the Court learnt that their lawyer will no longer be representing them.The Magistrate only learnt of the lawyer‘s withdrawal from the matter from Chandra Sohan, the attorney representing the number one accused. This was moments before the proceedings began.Magistrate Singh then noted that it was the lawyer‘s duty to properly inform the court of her withdrawal. The Magistrate nevertheless instructed that the witness be cross examined by the accused.At first the men were reluctant to question the witness, but at the insistence of the Magistrate, they proceeded to cross examine Profitt. The Magistrate told the men that this was their last chance to ask the eyewitness any questions.One of the accused, Fraser requested more time to question the man since he could not remember all he wanted to ask.But Magistrate Singh declined the request.He told the accused,cheap nfl jerseys outlet, “We can’t have the man coming to court again. This is your last opportunity to ask him questions.”Fraser later requested that the court facilitate a visit to the crime scene. He said that he needed to go to the scene to make his point. However, after listening to Fraser’s reason, the Magistrate also denied the request. Magistrate Singh stressed that he did not see the value of a visit to the crime scene.Witnesses Jagdeo Ramdass and Cowan Basdeo concluded their evidence yesterday.Basdeo was the security guard on duty, at the saw mill located next door to the victim’s residence, on the night of the shooting.Another witness, Tameshwarie Kishore, known as “Sunita”, the sister of the deceased was also scheduled for cross examination yesterday. However attorney Sohan requested that the court grant him time to procure copies of the statement given by all the remaining witnesses in the matter.Police Prosecutor Bernard Brown told the court that the statements will be available to the attorney before the next occasion. As such,NFL Jerseys From China, the matter was adjourned until October 13.The case which has been ongoing for several months, attracted media attention after it was reported that Magistrate Singh had allowed the main witness, Rocky Profitt, to testify without permitting him to review the evidence or sign his deposition. This took place in mid-August.Since then several witnesses have taken the stand. Among the witnesses was Police Constable Chris Herber.On the last occasion, photos and components of a firearm allegedly recovered from the scene of the murder of the Berbice businessman were tendered by Constable Herber.

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