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發表於 2018-7-10 21:21:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Over the years, Slingerz Anniversary celebrations have grown from strength to strength with thousands of dollars in giveaways annually. For the last five years they have added even more excitement by inviting International Entertainers to the local shores. This year as the anniversary approaches much is on the offer.Past Slingerz Anniversary activities included providing international entertainment through the likes of Black Chiney sound from Miami, Monster Piece Sound of Barbados, Baby Cham,Cheap Jerseys Online, Assassin and Natural Black among others. This year as they prepare to head to New York, they have invited Love Movements of Kingston Jamaica, which will feature Bill Crosby, Diamond and the Big Boss of Stone Love Movement Father Pow. Stone Love arrive in Guyana on Sunday April 4 at 22:45hrs and will be live on air on HJTV Easter Monday morning from 1l hrs before heading to the West Side at Joe Viera Park for the Slingerz Family Anniversary.One of the Anniversary co-ordinators has informed that the Slingerz Family will be offering even more surprises for its 9th anniversary celebration including live performance from an international Artiste. The mega artiste’s name is a secret for now but the Slingerz family crew noted that “he (the artiste) is known as the lady’s pet and on Easter Monday at Joe Viera when Jamaica Stone Love takes the stage so will the artiste and his dancers. The Anniversary celebrations will also see several persons being issued with awards such as fan of the year, dance group of the year, Slingerz support award and Slingerz employee of the year. At the Easter weekend, Slingers said there will be Anniversary celebrations in Linden, New Amsterdam, and West Demerara.April 3rd, the people of Linden will have the 1st treat of the Slingerz Family Celebrations when Soca Hitmaker and Most Wanted Entertainer in Linden, Peter Ram, along with X- Factor dancers, Linden Dancers, Stone Wall, Stereo Sonics and Slingerz Family will entertain with free Digicel Top up all night.The Anniversary continues for Fans in New Amsterdam, Berbice on Easter Sunday and will feature Peter Ram, Carib Soca Monarch Bones Man and Shelly G, X Factor dancers, Stereo Sonic and Slingerz Family at the New Amsterdam Technical Institute Compound.  On Easter Monday at Joe Viera Park West Bank Demerara is the Venue where the sound was born.

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