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發表於 2018-7-11 04:33:25 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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–  Says “I will be the beneficiary of a fair bill”  By Abena Rockcliffe While Guyana has grown accustomed to politicians who ‘talk the talk’ it seems like President David ArthurPresident David GrangerGranger will ‘walk the walk’ as he vowed to ensure that he enjoys a “fair” pension package whenever he demits office.Yesterday, Granger told members of the media core that he will ensure he assents to a bill that will repeal the current one which offers unlimited benefits to former Presidents of Guyana.Such a bill had already made its way through the National Assembly during the Tenth Parliament, but the then President, Donald Ramotar did not assent to it, virtually crippling the piece of legislation.But Granger says he will not make such a move. The Head-of-State said, “I will cut the benefits to which I am entitled… we introduced the bill (the one that was not assented to) because we felt that the old Bill was unfair…I will be the beneficiary for a fair bill.”Back in 2013, the National Assembly passed a Bill to slash benefits to former Presidents. For Granger to assent to it, the Bill will have to go through the very process it went through in the Tenth Parliament when the Eleventh Parliament convenes.In 2013, PPP parliamentarians voted against the Bill arguing that it strips former Presidents of their dignity, and that it was a vindictive act targeted at former President Bharrat Jagdeo.Jagdeo was the first to benefit from the handsome retirement package.Currently, the pension of a former president adds up to $1.2 million per month. But the bill of 2013 didPresident, Carl Greenidgenot want to change this. That Bill, which was piloted by Carl Greenidge, was designed to deal with benefits additional to the pension, or, the “perks”.Once the Bill to repeal the existing Bill is passed, all future payments to all beneficiaries including Jagdeo and Ramotar will be affected.Greenidge’s bill intended to repeal a 2009 Act which gives former presidents like Bharrat Jagdeo unlimited staff and resources. For example, the 2009 law only says former presidents are entitled to vehicles and staff, without specifying a number.  Greenidge’s Bill intended to make the benefits specific.Greenidge said that the Bill was premised on “social justice.”He said the bill was intended to correct “lawlessness and abuse of power.”Greenidge piloted the Bill and saw it through its eventual passage in the House.Greenidge said that the quantum of the pension is exceptionally generous, and would not have required supplementary benefits, but he said that since the benefits are already on the books,China Jerseys Wholesale, the opposition merely wanted to streamline these.He said that the 2009 law was badly drafted since it committed unlimited and uncapped facilities and services to former presidents.Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo who back then sat on the opposition benches placed it in this context – “You cannot live in a donkey cart economy and want to live a life driving a Mercedes or a Cadillac.”

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