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The Full Court, comprising Justice William Ramlal and Justice Winston Patterson, dismissed the injunction granted by Justice James Bovell-Drakes, to Ms. Valerie Garrido-Lowe against Manzoor Nadir and Ismail Muhammad.The Full Court also granted cost of $50,000 against Ms. Garrido-Lowe.Manzoor NadirWith the decision of the Full Court, the actions undertaken on September 1,China Jerseys Cheap, by The United Force Executive, to expel Ms. Garrido-Lowe from the party can now be given full force.According to a statement by Manzoor Nadir, the TUF Executive was scheduled to meet in an emergency session “to repair the damage to the image of TUF caused by the action of Ms. Lowe.”On September 1, 2011,Wholesale Jerseys, the party circulated a document purportedly from an executive meeting held on August 31, resolving to expel Ismail Muhammad, the Party Chairman.  That meeting was convened by Ms Valerie Garrido-Lowe, the TUF statement added.Nadir’s statement contended that “the Executive had met, three by being present and 4 present by telephone.  This gathering,Jerseys NFL China, convened with the knowledge of then leader (Valerie Lowe) and in the presence of her misrepresented itself as an Executive Meeting. Only one person present (Ms. Garrido-Lowe) was at that time an Executive Member.  TUF’s Constitution does not make provision for meetings to be attended by teleconferencing.  Even so of the four persons purported to have been present by the telephone, only three are executive members.  Five members present are required for a quorum.”Yesterday, the TUF said that it was resorting to a meeting of the Executive on September when eight executive members were present.The eight were Ismail Muhammad – Chairman; Dennis Lee – treasurer; Murtland Williams; Khemraj Singh; Mike Jaundoo; Geraldine Ann Charles; June Bourne; and Manzoor Nadir.That meeting, according to the statement, considered the “abuse of and the misrepresentation of the name of the executive by the then leader Ms. Valerie Garrido-Lowe.“The executive voted to have Ms. Valerie Garrido-Lowe removed as a member,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, as the leader and the Presidential Candidate.”Last night,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Ms Garrido-Lowe said that she was prepared to contest any expulsion. She seems to have the support of many members.There were also reports that following the court order, Nadir was going to use the police to bodily have Ms Garrido-Lowe removed from Unity House,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, headquarters of The United Force.

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