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Wholesale NFL Jerseys Sister June Cato









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發表於 2018-7-12 17:35:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Romila BoodramSince being refurbished and placed back into operation, the Maternity Unit at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has seen over 74 births via caesarean section, including one case of a triplet.Sister June CatoThis is according to the ward’s Senior Departmental Supervisor,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Sister June Cato, during an interview yesterday with this newspaper.Sister Cato said that the operating theatre which was commissioned on August 03 last, was always on the unit prior to last month, but it was not functioning.She stressed that having an operating theatre which is functional was always important, for since previously, patients would have had to be taken to another operating theatre located in another building.When faced with the question whether the theatre will reduce the number of maternal deaths, she responded in the positive,Cheap Jerseys China, saying that previously it was time consuming when a patient had to be transferred to the opposite building to have their surgery done.“You have a patient, you have an emergency,Jerseys Cheap NFL, so the shortest possible time to get her to the theatre will determine the outcome and with this new theatre,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, time is being reduced significantly because you only have to move the patient from their bed to the operating room rather than waiting on ambulance and sometimes, when you reach to the other building,Wholesale Jerseys 2017, you don’t have immediate access to an operating room,nhl jerseys outlet,” the Departmental Supervisor said.She stressed that since the theatre is operating, the hospital only experienced one maternal death which was on August 9th, when 22-year-old immigration officer, Omadara Anthony, died after giving birth to a healthy baby.Sister Cato further stressed that plans are in the pipeline to improve the services offered at the unit. “We provide workshops where our nurses and midwives are being trained to interact with the public and patients positively.”She is also encouraging her staff to be courteous with the patients and make them feel comfortable, even if they have to go the extra mile.

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