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發表於 2018-7-12 23:59:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Kiana Wilburg The 2015 Corruption Perceptions Index which was released yesterday by Transparency International show that despite much talk by nations to fight corruption, countries including Guyana have shown little sign of improvement.Guyana received a score of 29,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, signaling a slip one place down from its score last year. But Guyana did improve in ranking. In 2014 it was ranked 124 out of 175 countries but in 2015 it moved up to 119 out of 168 countries.Three other countries tied with Guyana in the 119th position. These were Azerbaijan, Russia and Sierra Leone.The report said that any score below 50 indicates a serious corruption problem. Guyana has never been above. Additionally two-thirds of the countries surveyed scored less than 50.Guyana’s Continental and Regional neighbours did better than it in 2015. The report revealed that Trinidad and Tobago scored 39 while Brazil and Jamaica scored 38 and 41 respectively. Suriname earned a score of 36 while Haiti got a score of 17.Denmark and Finland were the only countries close to a perfect score with 91 and 90 respectively.Transparency International is an organization that gives voice to the victims and witnesses of corruption. It works together with Governments, businesses and citizens to stop the abuse of power, bribery and secret deals.Through chapters in more than 100 countries and an international secretariat in Berlin,Wholesale NHL Jerseys 2020, it prides itself on leading the fight against corruption to turn its vision into reality.The Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide. The scores are measured from 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean).The report from the corruption watchdog also spoke to countries of the Middle East,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, North America,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Sub-Sahara Africa, Europe, Central Asia and Asia Pacific. They provided the good and the bad perceptions among the countries and cited what needs to happen from the level of the citizenry, the media and the Government.The report said that Governments are willing to pass laws addressing corruption,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, yet enforcing them is a different matter. It said that laws need real teeth. It noted that for some countries, there’s anti-corruption legislation on the books everywhere – albeit patchy and imperfect – but a failure to implement and enforce is allowing the corrupt to operate with impunity.The international body emphasized that Governments must tackle political corruption. It said that Governments must also seek the reform of the financial sector. It said that the fight against corruption be properly effected until laws and regulations are put into action and civil society and the media are genuinely free.The corruption watchdog noted that arrests of officials guilty of corruption aren’t enough. However welcomed, it said that prosecuting existing politicians won’t stop new corrupt individuals from getting rich at the expense of citizens.It said that many countries low down the index have ample natural resources.“Take Argentina, Mexico or oil-rich Venezuela, the region’s lowest scorer – yet long-standing corruption has led to a desperate lack of investment in security, education and health. Until these weaknesses are addressed, corruption will continue to be the norm and citizens’ quality of life will not improve.”The report said, too, that Governments need to ensure real and systemic reform – starting with freeing judiciaries from political influence and creating better regional cooperation between law enforcement to stop the corrupt hiding in different jurisdictions.“Citizens, meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, should continue their calls for change. In 2015 we saw even more people connect the poor services they receive with the illicit enrichment of a few corrupt individuals. These people need to keep up their pressure on leaders, and demand the accountable, well-functioning institutions they deserve.”“The public desire for change is huge. In India, Sri Lanka and elsewhere, we’ve seen a host of governments coming to power on anti-corruption platforms. As corruption continues to dominate media coverage across and beyond the region, increasing interest in the issue has sparked a raft of new research into both public and private sector corruption.”The body said too that reversing corruption is clearly not solely down to governments, “but they’re the ones with the largest role and the power to create enabling environments for others.”The international body said that last year’s poor results demand that leaders revisit the genuineness of their efforts and propel the region beyond stagnation.The anticorruption advocate emphasized that prosecuting corruption will restore faith among people who no longer believe in the institutions that are supposed to protect them. It said that transparency and accountability must go hand in hand when tackling corruption.“In 2015 we saw even more people connect the poor services they receive with the illicit enrichment of a few corrupt individuals. These people need to keep up their pressure on leaders, and demand the accountable, well-functioning institutions they deserve.”

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