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Wholesale Jerseys China z5bhkf3f









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發表於 2018-7-13 06:51:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“We are already building on what we did especially last year with this budget,NFL Jerseys China,” said Minister within the Health Ministry, Dr Bheri Ramsaran, on Monday evening, as he attempted to defend the Government’s position as it relates to the national budget.In expressing his conviction that the budget has the potential to build the Guyana of tomorrow, Dr Ramsaran noted that he was on a team mandated to bring back a specialist surgical hospital which will be a symbol of the country’s future.During the presentation of the budget last week Monday,NFL Jerseys Cheap, Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh revealed that over $1B has been budgeted for the construction and maintenance of health sector buildings and infrastructure nationwide,Stitched Jerseys, including $150M to commence preparatory work to design a 150-bed surgical specialty hospital. This facility, he noted, will conduct specialist surgical procedures, including invasive cardiology and radiation oncology.This move, according to Dr Ramsaran, will position Guyana in an advanced stance ahead of many Caribbean countries, and by extension, seek to lay the foundation of the future vision.The minister explained that the proposed plans will represent the second wave of infrastructural investment that President Jagdeo has referred to, most recently, in his speech at the ‘one laptop per family’ launch at the Guyana International Convention Centre. Persons, Dr. Ramsaran asserted,China Jerseys NFL Wholesale, will be able to benefit from tertiary health care of an international nature.“This hopefully coupled or linked with the other development that we have been witnessing will see not only Guyanese resident in Guyana, but Guyanese in the Diaspora and more so probably non-nationals coming to enjoy an international standard service while at the same time doing so at a facility that is located in a good environment.”“Look at our roads, the four-lane highway which is going to be expanded. Let’s look at something concrete, the East Bank corridor which is being developed, that is the vision of the future. Some 8,000 house lots very well developed, good infrastructure, a hospital already in the area which will be expanded and the private sector thirsting to go there…”In addition to establishing the specialist hospital as more than just a technical facility,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Dr. Ramsaran said that plans are apace to promote the concept of health tourism. He revealed that health tourism is in fact one of the fastest growing arms of tourism in India,mlb jerseys china, something that should be noted.And before the end of this year, he said,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a sum of $50M which has been allocated in the budget for preliminary works will be utilised as plans take shape to bring to fruition the additional facility which will project Guyana into the future.“This is why I particularly like the theme of the budget presentation ‘Building tomorrow’s Guyana today’… There are other things that we see in the budget which might be necessary at this point to pull out and highlight because they are somewhat inter-related with this massive investment in health infrastructure and training of health care providers.”Minister Ramsaran singled-out the re-migrant settlement schemes, whereby entrepreneurs will be encouraged to attract persons of the older generation – with Guyanese who are nostalgic for their homeland and the government working in partnership with the private sector to make it possible. But of course, a significant consideration is quality health care, as according to the Minister, persons after living overseas come to expect a certain level of service.

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