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Wholesale China Jerseys poor storage of spares









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發表於 2018-7-13 10:09:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police investigators are being called in to probe possible criminal wrongdoings in the procurement division of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).Chairman of GuySuCo, Dr. Nanda Gopaul, when contacted yesterday, confirmed reports that the Corporation is moving to have charges laid,NFL Jerseys From China, once there is evidence of criminal misconduct by any of the staffers.On Monday, the corporation dismissed its Manager of the Materials’ Management Division, Aasrodeen Shaw.According to Gopaul,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, an interim audit on the MMD has been concluded and on a few purchases it was found that Shaw allegedly breached procurement regulations on a number of occasions.GuySuCo, as a result, lost money.“No amount of white-washing from statements (made by Shaw), will change our firm view that he has is guilty of serious misconduct.”The Chairman said that Shaw allegedly manipulated the MMD’s system to give favoured clients contracts to supply GuySuCo with goods rather than allowing the system to work in a transparent manner it was designed to.Yesterday’s development that allows for the police to be called in, followed a public statement by Shaw on Thursday which claimed that he was dismissed after submitting a report recommending changes to a purchasing system that was flawed and was open to breaches.Shaw,China NFL Jerseys, who returned to Guyana last year and took over as head of the MMD, said that he was given 15 minutes to respond to accusations leveled against him during a meeting before the board of Directors on Monday.A special investigative team appointed by GuySuCo, last week presented an interim report citing glaring inefficiencies and breaches to the procurement system. The sub-committee recommended widespread changes to the procurement system and actions against staffers.Shaw, on Thursday, said that he is prepared to take his dismissal to court.Appearing before the board, he was asked to explain “the inefficient manner” in which tender documents for the purchase of 40,000 pounds of #8 electrodes were processed.Kaieteur News was told that Shaw’s failure to present the evaluations of said tender documents to the GuySuCo’s Head Office Tender Committee and thereafter the Central Tender Committee was an issue he was questioned on.These documents were said to have been in his possession since two months ago.The procurement head was also accused of splitting the electrodes contract by buying smaller quantities at a higher price and at the same time failing to ask the Central Tender Committee to adjudicate on the purchase of this item.A senior GuySuCo official said that it is as a result of these infractions that the decision was taken to summarily dismiss Shaw.Shaw, in the report he did on the MMD, stressed that the report was not meant to praise nor defame anyone but to identify the bottlenecks in the system and to put procedures in place to further protect the procurement practices from possible wrongdoings.The report also pointed out that since 1998, GuySuCo had not conducted a physical inventory of items stored across the country. An attempt to do so last year was “impossible” and inaccurate because of an IT change.“The book value of the inventory is approximately $4.3B of which more than half of the items are obsolete. This highlighted a weak financial control system on part of the Finance Director.”“The current process is inefficient, ineffective and reduces productivity tremendously. The real inside view of the process will reflect a lengthy procurement process,Cheap Jerseys Store, poor storage of spares, wastage,Cheap Jerseys, theft and obsolete items valuing over $2B being overlooked.”Shaw claimed that he saved GuySuCo $20M in contract negotiations during the last few months.DISMISSAL“Prior to the meeting, I received neither notice nor briefing regarding the alleged accusations.”He claims that he requested a day to answer the charges but was given 15 minutes.“Clearly, this reinforces my point that certain board members already entered the meeting with a ‘made’ decision.”Addressing particular accusations that he split contracts for a tender of 40,000 pounds of #8 electrodes, Shaw claimed that he refused to process it since the amount was unusually high and GuySuCo was cash-strapped.He noted that GuySuCo had never bought more than 15,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000 pounds at any one point in time, given issues with storage and theft, and these were factors that helped him reach his decision.“It seems obvious to me that if the Corporation was having financial cash flow problems, the Board would be grateful in learning that the savings would result in 50 per cent expenditure on the purchase, regarding this particular item and at the same time not breaching the tender procedure as claimed by the Board.”Additionally, Shaw pointed out, the Head Office Tender Committee approved a lower quantity of electrodes to the tune of $3.5M on March 8.With regards to accusations that he breached procurement guidelines by purchasing small quantities, Shaw explained that small quantities were indeed purchased as an emergency, to meet estates’ needs. The buying of small quantities is a “norm” at GuySuCo, he stated.Shaw said that his dismissal was not in accordance to procedures which require him to show cause and allow him five days to respond.

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