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發表於 2018-7-15 15:28:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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One week after a swarm of Africanised bees killed a man, residents of Anaida Avenue, Eccles, East Bank Demerara (EBD) are still concerned about their wellbeing.Kaieteur News was told that relatives of the late Sheikh Imran Hassan, who passed away after being stung numerous times about his body, were the ones who had to privately employ a bee-catcher to destroy the nest in their neighbour’s house.“The nest was in Tony Amres’ house and even though people call the Agriculture Ministry for help, the Hassan family had to bring in private help and pay their money to get the nest out of their neighbour’s house.”According to villagers, they were not aware that these bees were in the area, much less the house of a resident who had his family living there.“Imagine the bee-catcher say how the nest in there about a year and these people living there. But the girl has a son…and apparently they wanted her out of the house but she wasn’t leaving. So we don’t know if they purposely left the bees there to get rid of her. But on the day when the bees attacked, she did say how she knows it went in there. Plus it was reported that someone had sprayed BOP insecticide on the nest and this infuriated the bees and caused them to attack,” said another woman.This newspaper further understands that prior to last week’s incident, a neighbour and her baby who live in the house behind the one in which the bees were, were stung.However, this was not reported.The water-trestle which is posing a threat to residents of Anaida Avenue, Eccles, and is currently harvesting nests for wood-ants and even some Africanized Killer Bees.Residents explained that the bee-catcher sent by the Ministry of Agriculture did visit on the day of Hassan’s funeral to execute works, however, he was asked politely with his team to leave the area for the day, since the funeral was in progress and a number of villagers were attending.“We asked him to leave. At no point did anyone ever chase him or run him with any cutlass on the day the bees attacked. It should have been obvious that with so much people out and they coming to do work, some bees would have gotten out and could have stung people. Plus it still got bees here,” said relative of the deceased.Kaieteur News was also told that more of the bees were seen flying around in the area yesterday.“We smoked some out. We called the NDC two days ago and they say they coming right away and two days gone and they still can’t reach,” added one young man.Another situation which is currently posing as a threat, also coming from the same residence, is the water-trestle.Some of the neighbours are worried since the wood appears to be deteriorating and a lot of vines are running around it.There is also a huge wood ant nest between the vines and trestle.“At any point, that trestle can give away and the tanks have a lot of water. The weight is too much and if it breaks down, the tanks will fall on our fences, roofs and even result in injuries to people around,” said one neighbour.Another neighbour was of the opinion that if the property owners do not care much for the persons living inside the house,Cheap NFL Jerseys, they should at least take care of the environment, since they would only end up harming innocent lives.On Monday last, pandemonium hit the village of Eccles, after hundreds of African Killer Bees launched an attack on residents in the area, resulting in the death of Sheikh Imran Hassan.According to his brother, from the time the bees attacked Hassan, contacts were made to many governmental places but to no avail.Calls were also made to West Ruimveldt Fire Station but the response was “We gotta get permission”.The NDC responded to the calls with “How much you’ll pay?”

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