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發表於 2018-7-15 16:40:39 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Police were yesterday still hunting for a West Ruimveldt man who allegedly shot his reputed wife in the mouth on Saturday.The victim, 26-year-old Shevon Harry,Cheap NHL Jerseys, was shot at her John Fernandes Squatting Area home where she resides with her two children.She remains in a critical condition, following surgery to remove the bullet.The near-fatal confrontation allegedly occurred after the victim,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, a security guard,China Jerseys Wholesale, accused her spouse of impregnating another woman.According to reports at around 14.50 hrs on Saturday, the reputed husband visited Shevon Harry,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and an argument ensued in the yard.He then allegedly shot his spouse in her mouth.After shooting Harry, the suspect reportedly told her to go under a pipe and wash out her mouth. It was then the woman tried to escape but collapsed on a dam. She was picked up by a neighbour and rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).The suspect then made good his escape on a motorcycle.Shot in mouth: Shevon HarryResidents told this publication that the woman has been a constant victim of domestic violence. The neighbour said that she was sitting outside when the suspect passed on his motorcycle. She added that about 10 minutes later, she heard an ‘explosion’,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, but didn’t pay too much attention since she thought children from the neighbourhood were playing.But then her son came and said that Harry’s ‘child father’ had shot her in the mouth.“I see he tek off with a speed on the motorbike. He fly pass me house and headed through the dam for Shirley Field. He even break my bridge”,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, the neighbour recalled.She said that the suspect’s younger brother went into Harry’s yard and “washed down” the blood.Another woman noted that the suspect is a very abusive and controlling individual. She said Harry’s spouse is a very jealous man and was opposed to her being in the company of certain friends, both male and female. Although residents described Harry as a very hardworking and quiet individual,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, they said that she was very secretive and had cut ties with several of her relatives because her partner did not approve of the relationship.“He does beat she and she don’t tell people nothing. A night he beat she outside Palm Court. I hear that he got another woman with she and the girl pregnant. Is this bring about this problem. People reach Booty (Harry) and tell she that some other girl pregnant for Tony. Like is when she (Harry) confront he about it he kept denying and got angry and shoot she.”One of Harry’s sisters said that she learnt of the shooting after a friend called.The woman stated that she was unaware whether her sister and the suspect were having any problems.The alleged shooter has been described as a very ignorant young man who would constantly threaten to “shoot up people.”

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