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…as GTUC calls for meeting with Minister of Social Protection “…the continuous, sustained and heightened voices, inclusive of that from varied and unexpected sources, are enough to warrant the government’s judicious attention.”Substantive Minister of Social Protection, Volda LawrenceThe citizenry fired the Peoples Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) for their arrogance, abuse of State resources and laws, and contempt for the masses, and inherently hired a coalition to form the new government,Authentic Jerseys From China, an act that sent the a message that hubris and violations will not be tolerated.This is the latest position adopted by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) which has noted that “we are witnessing this today in the reaction to the salary issue.”The GTUC is calling on the coalition, A Partnership for National Unity, Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) Government, to let good sense prevail in face of the increasing and sustained public outcry against the recently confirmed salary increases for members of the Executive and Legislature.GTUC recalled that the last time the nation saw such outcries against government’s action was November last when then President Donald Ramotar, prorogued Parliament, “in order to silence the voice of the majority, through their elected representatives who wanted to debate and cast a vote of confidence on the government’s stewardship.”GTUC said the citizens’ response to the increase of remuneration for Ministers and Parliamentarians calls for commitment from the government that would result in a decision that society can accept and respect.“While there may be an absence of scientific polling to gauge overall opinion on pertinent issues in society, the continuous, sustained and heightened voices, inclusive of that from varied and unexpected sources, are enough to warrant the government’s judicious attention.”“Ultimately, politicians are accountable to the citizens and must never lose sight of this principle,” the GTUC said in a public missive issued over the weekend.“As this salary outcry is increasing and being sustained beyond the proverbial nine days, it requires good sense prevailing on the part of the government,” said the GTUC, which reminded that its position on the salary issue is that of process.“It is our belief that if you start wrong, you will end wrong…The product from the application of a wrong process will be questionable and this in part is driving the outcries today.”As such, the GTUC is of the view that this nation must see the reinstatement of collective bargaining and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms as a matter of priority.“Collective bargaining must commence in the Public Sector, which will ensure the resetting of relativity in the Wage and Salary Structure, from which Ministers, Parliamentarians and other Public Servants will earn wages/salary and conditions of employment as a result of the process.”With this in mind the trades union umbrella body has dispatched a letter to Senior Minister with responsibility for Labour, Volda Lawrence, requesting engagement between the government and trade union community.

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