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發表於 2018-7-17 16:45:26 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– official mysteriously proceeds on leave, entry page missingThe police in Berbice have launched an investigation into what appears to be a massive fraud at the Land Registry of the county’s Supreme Court.The scheme which implicates the land registry officer, involves the forging of the signatures of attorneys at law on documents which conveys the transfer of land titles.The apparent scheme was uncovered by lawyer Adrian Anamayah, whose secretary was requested to sign a title document purported to have the signature of the attorney.When the matter was brought to the attention of the police, the court officer who has been implicated has since mysteriously proceeded on leave.And efforts to get the title document in question from the court to facilitate the investigation have failed since the page in which the entry was made has been torn out.In a statement given to the police, the attorney’s clerk Dhanela Chandiprasad stated that her duties include preparation of legal documents and filing documents at the New Amsterdam Land Registry and the Deeds Registry.She claimed that she is well aware of her employer’s signature since she has seen him sign several documents.According to the clerk, on Tuesday June 24 last, she was at the New Amsterdam Registry (Deeds Section) when the land registry officer requested that she sign as a witness to a document, which she was told was one of her employer’s matters.Upon examining the document she observed that the signature affixed was not that of her employer, attorney at law Adrian Anamayah. Neither was the document which dealt with a transfer of title from one Shondell Yearwood to P. Heeralall prepared by the attorney’s office.According to Chandiprasad, she did not recognize the names on the documents as any of her employer’s clients.She became very suspicious and contacted her employer and enquired whether Shondell Yearwood or P. Heeralall was his client.When the lawyer said they were not, the Land Registry official immediately took back the document from her.Chandiprasad told investigators that she subsequently checked with the cashier at the registry and from the receipt book she observed that the documents for the transfer of title was filed in the name of Mr. J. Anamayah by the registry official who had indicated that he was doing so on behalf of her employer.The attorney in his statement to the police categorically denied ever authorizing the registry official to file any matter on his behalf or on the behalf of his partner,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Joseph Anamayah.“I did not prepare any documents for transfer of title from Shondell Yearwood to P. Heeralall nor did I sign any such documents. The standard practice at my office is to do filing at the deeds registry by cheque,” Anamayah stated.He added that this is the only matter of this nature that has been uncovered to date and he explained that he is very concerned that this fraudulent practice may have been ongoing for about a year.“This should not be treated as an isolated incident and a full investigation should be monitored to cover the period of one year,” the attorney-at-law stated.

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