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發表於 2018-7-18 17:18:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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22-year-old Devon Harry is seeking answers after allegedly being shot by police ranks due to a wrongful accusation.Harry, a mason, of Lot 11 Grove Public Road, East Bank Demerara,Discount NFL Jerseys, is seeking justice after the shooting incident that left him seriously wounded for the past three months.Harry displays his injuries“Me ain’t really understand how de police come fuh shoot me but all I know is that I de walking on de street where the lumber yard deh with me friend and the police come and start harass we. I never had no confrontation with the police before.”“Two of them claim say how dem suspect we go for rob somebody but we only went to buy chicken. Till now we don’t know what de police talking about.”The injured man’s sister,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, Vilanda Gordon,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, said that she recalled when the incident occurred on October 14,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, last,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, during a stop and search police exercise.“A neighbour came at my house and told me that my brother get shoot. I rushed to the scene and see him lying in de grass in blood. He was there for almost two hours and people crowd de place.The police claim that he had a gun and till now them ain’t find the evidence.”“My brother went to buy chicken and after they start rough he up and accuse he of some robbery, he go fuh run and dem shoot he in he left side foot and the bullet shatter the bone.”Gordon said that her brother was incarcerated at the Grove Police Station for three days before he was placed on bail.“Police gave him $10,Cheap Jerseys Online,000 bail but when I finding out about the police who shoot my brother the officer tell me that the rank is not even from Grove Station.”“We want answers cause my brother could have died. The matter is supposed to be under investigations. We want to make sure that this ain’t happen again.”Gordon says that the matter is currently being handled by the Brickdam Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

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