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發表於 2018-7-19 00:21:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… caution on the use of antibiotics, advise patients to see the doctorPharmacies around the country have increased their orders for flu medication by 15 per cent to 20 per cent more since the start of the current flu season about a fortnight ago.Suppliers have told this newspaper that pharmacies have informed them that customers have increased their purchase of cough syrups, pain relievers, anti-diarrhoeal medication and those for nausea and vomiting.According to the suppliers, the pharmacists requesting increased supplies are reporting that the symptoms reported by their customers are the typical flu symptoms and include sore throats, coughing, headaches, painful joints, constant thirst, sneezing and runny noses.In at least two cases, persons complained that their teeth were hurting. Most persons are being treated with Day Quil, Tylenol Cold and Multi-symptoms caplets, Thera Flu, antibiotics and Vitamin C.While there have been no referrals yet by pharmacists, they are advising that those who have contracted the flu use at least one 1000g Vitamin C tablet daily. This may shorten the course of the flu which lasts from three to four days. If it lasts longer, see a doctor.One pharmacist from Guyana’s largest chain, Medi-Care, is quite serious about this. He added that at his pharmacy the usual prescription would be Day-Quil or acetimol tablets or multi-symptoms pills.He states that the normal flu-like symptoms can be treated by pharmacists, butpersons with pains in their joints, vomiting or diarrhoea, need to see a doctor immediately.But the current flu virus that is hitting the population seems to be much more than the ordinary flu.Another city pharmacist pointed out that usually colds or flu are of a viral origin. She explained that muscle aches and pains called myalgia, are very typical of flu, as opposed to a cold.However,Cheap Jerseys From China, the particular strain of the current flu cannot be known, unless it is tested. She explained that there are a lot of flu viruses and this particular one could very well be a virulent type. It is up to the laboratories and hospitals to do the testing along with the National Health Sector, she said, adding that an advisory should be put in the public domain about the precautions and course of action to be taken.The pharmacist emphasised that people need to follow the guidelines, take bed rest and lots of fluids. Don’t go to work, or if this is not possible, keep contact minimal, use handkerchiefs and rags when sneezing and coughing.Speaking on the basic flu, she pointed out that when someone contracts it, there are certain symptoms that can develop if there is a complication on top of it.She explained that while there are certain symptoms typical of flu and cold, beyond that there are also certain symptoms if the person has a complication.Using sinusitis as an example, she said this could show up as a very bad cough, depending on the colour of the mucus and other signs, sinusitis may be diagnosed, but first a doctor has to see the patient.If the person has a complication he or she would need an antibiotic which would be prescribed by the doctor.What is normally required for the cold and flu season is not available in Guyana, but in the USA,— a flu shot could be taken that would help with all the symptoms.“Treatment for colds and flu is symptomatic; you have to treat the symptoms that are caused by the virus.If you have a runny nose there is a specific drug to treat that. There are a few drugs in a particular class for stuffy nose, for coughs and so on.”She explained further that a pharmacist could treat a patient based on the symptoms.But it is the patient’s immune system and resistance that really have to fight off the virus.There are certain immune boosters like Echinacea that are available at pharmacies. There is also a combination Echinacea and Vitamin C.“You have to take it very early when the cold and flu is just beginning, that can help somewhat to reduce the number of days in which the person has the flu.” She said zinc lozenges are also advisable but are not available in Guyana.Pointing out that the flu generally hits harder than a cold, she said basically when it comes with the cold symptoms, and treatment would more or less be given accordingly, for a cough, sore throat or fever. The preparations that are available are in different combinations and are used according to the symptoms described by the person.The pharmacist has also issued a strong warning against the use of antibiotics for the common cold or flu.She pointed out that if a child had been taken to the doctor previously and an antibiotic along with a cold medicine was prescribed, “They would want to come to the pharmacist routinely and ask for an antibiotic every time the child is getting flu.That is not good. In that situation it is very likely when the child would have gone to the doctor, it is very likely that there was a complication; a secondary complication of the cold or the flu, in SOME children, where they have an ear infection, which is of bacterial origin, or where they have developed a chest infection.“In those situations they need an antibiotic, but the doctor might not be finding the time to explain all of this. So really and truly, it’s a waste of time to use antibiotics, if the colds and flus are of viral origin.” See a doctor is the advice.  (Ursulla Ramdayal)

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