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發表於 2018-7-19 02:31:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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A US-based Guyanese man has taken a lawyer to court claiming that he was ripped off during a legal settlement with a local insurance company.The writ was filed,Cheap China Jerseys, Friday, by Farouk Yasin, who gave his address as Jamaica,cheap nfl jerseys online, Queens, New York, against Hubert Rodney, an attorney-at-law.In the Statement of Claim, filed by Yasin’s new attorney-at-law, Mortimer Coddett,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, the plaintiff claimed that Rodney was his former lawyer who betrayed his trust and who “fraudulently” enticed him to sign over his fire insurance policy held by the North America Fire and General Insurance Company Limited for a property at Lot 94,NFL Jerseys China, Line Path D, Berbice.Yasin claimed that Rodney, without consent or consultations, settled a fire claim for $6M which he,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, Yasin, rejected and as a result he dropped Rodney, he said.The claim said that Rodney managed to secure a court order that he was entitled to 35 per cent of the $6M along with interest at the rate of six per cent. “Thereafter, he proceeded to collect the remaining sum left of the $6M and put the monies to his own use, thus depriving the Plaintiff from receiving any monies from his claim and/or preventing him from re-opening the negotiations with (the) insurance company.”Yasin claimed that although he and Rodney only knew each other for a short while, they became close friends “to the extent that the defendant confided in the plaintiff that he was facing difficult financial circumstances whereupon the Plaintiff voluntarily in good faith transferred a piece of land situated at 117 Line Path B so as to enable him to obtain a mortgage.”Yasin claimed that Rodney is now refusing to return the property to him.The Plaintiff claimed that he was forced to sign over the fire insurance policy because Rodney fraudulently claimed that would be able to negotiate $24M for the Berbice property which was burnt in a fire.He asked the court to cancel the Notice of Assignment signed at the insurance company on June 1,Jerseys NFL China, 2008,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, on the grounds that there was fraud.Yasin is also demanding a return of the $6M that Rodney obtained from the insurance company on the grounds that it was obtained by fraud.He is also asking the court for a return of the Berbice property that Rodney is “refusing” to return.

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