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Cheap Jerseys of Tabatinga









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發表於 2018-7-19 19:53:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Commander promises full investigation into both mattersForty-one-year-old Peter Grannum, of Tabatinga,Wholesale China Jerseys, Central Rupununi is claiming that he sustained injuries on two occasions,Sale NFL Jerseys, at the hands of Police ranks attached to the Lethem Police Station Sunday last.Grannum’s swollen wristGrannum is a suspect in the alleged stabbing of a police officer outside a popular nightspot in the area. He is currently a patient at the Lethem Public Hospital. Grannum is contending that ranks attached to the station assaulted him outside the nightspot around 02:30 hrs that day after he complimented a female police about her physique. He said that he was then hit on the face by the female rank.Following this Grannum said that other police officers who were standing outside the nightclub dealt him several blows to his head and struck his hand with a bottle.Grannum said that later that Sunday he went to the Lethem Police Station to lodge a complaint. He said that when he arrived there he met one of the same officers who had allegedly assaulted him earlier that day.During this encounter,NFL Jerseys Clearance, Grannum said that the man picked up a hammer and hit him on his wrist, the region of his temple and on his knees. He said that he spoke to the Commander of ‘F’ Division R. Budhram who advised him to turn himself in so that an investigation can be conducted.When the Divisional Commander was contacted by this publication,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Budhram said that he was aware of the allegations and promised that when the injured police rank returns to Guyana from Boa Vista, Brazil, statements on the incident will be taken from both sides and a thorough investigation will be done to get to the bottom of the issue.According to a police report,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Constable Chichester and Constable Samuels intervened when a patron outside the nightclub made advances towards a female rank.It was at that time that a drunken man supposedly pulled out a knife and stabbed the men about their bodies before fleeing.They were both taken to the Lethem Hospital. Samuels was treated and sent away while Chichester who sustained injuries to his abdomen and left wrist was transferred to the Boa Vista General Hospital. He has since undergone surgery and is said to be in a stable condition.According to Commander Budhram,NFL Jerseys From China, Constable Chichester is expected to return shortly. He said that no charges have been laid as yet. Only after an investigation is done will advice be sought. Budhram said that investigators are also questioning persons who were present at the scene on the night of the incident.

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