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發表於 2018-7-19 22:09:59 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana yesterday announced the promotion of Kevin Kelly to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO).Former CEO, Gregory DeanGregory Dean, the current CEO, has been promoted to Regional CEO with responsibility for Guyana, Aruba,Cheap Jerseys China, Bonaire and Curacao.According to the mobile giant, with over seven years’ experience in the telecommunications and technology sector, Kelly will move into the CEO position,Wholesale Jerseys From China, up from his current role as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of Digicel Guyana. He has held the latter role since August 2008.Dean,Wholesale Jerseys From China, in the statement, said: “I would also like to take this opportunity to wish Kevin all the very best in his new role as we look forward to the further expansion of the business following the ending of the telecommunications monopoly.”Commenting on his new role,China Jerseys, the incoming CEO said; “I am pleased to be leading the team as we continue to transform the communications landscape in Guyana. I look forward to building on the excellent base we have established in Guyana and aim to continue delivering best value,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, service and network to our customers across Guyana as Digicel evolves to a total communications provider.”Digicel’s CEO for the Caribbean and Central America,Cheap Jerseys Online, Regis Romero, expressed appreciation for Dean’s years of service as Digicel Guyana’s CEO and the progress made during his tenure.“I would also like to congratulate both Kevin and Greg on their promotions and wish them the very best in their new roles.”New CEO, Kevin KellyThe new structure is effective March 1st 2015.Digicel has mobile operations in 32 markets in the Caribbean, Central and South America and the South Pacific. In Guyana, it competes with the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company.Dean has especially been vocal for Digicel in calling for Government to speed up on liberalizing the sector to allow new players to compete in international calls, landlines and internet connectivity.

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