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發表於 2018-7-20 09:24:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Prime Minister, Moses Nagamootoo speaks with the affected stallholdersSeveral stallholders were literally left to pick up the pieces, yesterday after workers attached to the Georgetown Mayor and Councillors (M&CC) swept through the Bourda Market area, dismantling stalls along the way.The demolition is said to have occurred around 5:00 hrs. The M&CC demolition crew consisted of a bulldozer, which tore down a line of stalls along Bourda Street.The exercise was part of efforts to demolish the derelict Bedford Building on Charlotte Street.Kaieteur News understands that the M&CC had notified vendors of their intention to clear and clean the area, to facilitate a private businessman, who purchased the property on which the Bedford Building stood.However, vendors had expressed their willingness to cooperate but noted that M&CC extended no alternative to vending in a manner, in which they had been doing at Bourda Market,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys 2018, for the past four decades.Yesterday, many stallholders lamented the actions of the council. Some expressed disgust at the manner, in which, the exercise was conducted.While condemning the actions of the M&CC,Cheap MLB T-shirts, one vendor noted that many of the affected persons are “hardworking single mothers.”“This morning the M&CC crew came in all its glory and tore down everything in their path. They destroyed our livelihood and did not offer us adequate notification or alternative although we were paying them on a weekly basis to vend there,” the stallholders added.The vendors lost hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of goods during the demolition exercise.“What are we supposed to do?   We lost all our goods. All we want is to continue our livelihood,” another vendor lamented.Several stallholders assembled with placards outside the Ministry of the Presidency. They requested an audience with an official of the Ministry.Prime Minister, (PM) Moses Nagamootoo later met and spoke with the stallholders, outside the Ministry.The PM promised the vendors that he would look into the matter and directed them to officials of the Ministry, who offered assistance. A meeting ensued between the vendors and the officials,Wholesale Jerseys China, who promised to make the necessary intervention on their behalf.Meanwhile, M&CC in a press statement yesterday, noted the council is seeking to return the main thoroughfares around Georgetown to a state of order.“Hence,Stitched Canada NBA Jerseys, the Council is asking the store owners,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, who operate along Regent Street to desist from placing tables, mannequins and other structures on the pavements in front of their businesses.” the statement outlined.The Council went on to note that many of these business places have placed large structures on the pavements to display goods for sale; this has contributed to congestion.“Regent Street area is one of the main shopping areas in Georgetown; the chaos that occurs daily on the pavement is unacceptable. Also, the congestion on Regent Street pavement creates a situation for criminal activities to occur.”Underlining the fact that Regent Street is the hub of economic activities,Wholesale Jerseys, which has the potential of being a greater tourist attraction, the council noted that it is in the interest of decency,Cheap Jerseys, order and civility that store owners would no longer be allowed to vend along the pavements.In the statement, the Council also implored vendors not to block the entrances of businesses and not to hoist their goods on the showcase of businesses along the Regent Street area.“Also, all vendors are required to have in place proper refuse receptacles for the disposal of waste. City Hall is working assiduously to ensure that the entire City returns to a state of orderliness and cleanliness,” the release said.

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