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發表於 2018-7-20 11:32:09 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Mariners have to utilise other navigational aidsThe lighthouse is undetectable to the north with the Marriott Hotel in its pathThe beam from the 103-foot Georgetown lighthouse is now undetectable to the north by mariners out at sea, owing to the Marriott Hotel that is being constructed nearby in Kingston.This was confirmed yesterday by Harbour Master, Volton Skeete, who said that mariners have been issued notices to alert them of the situation. The USA Navtex Coordinating Centre has also been notified. That international body is responsible for disseminating information to vessels operating in the Caribbean and Latin American by electronic means, informing those approaching Guyana that the light beam would not be detected because it is being obstructed.The beam emanating from the Lighthouse is used as a navigational aid for mariners. Whenever the vessel is navigating too close to land, the red sector of the light is visible warning operators of the impending danger. And, when the vessel is at a safe distance away from shore, the white sector is visible.Skeete assured that in the absence of that navigational aid there are other aids operators of small vessels could utilise such as buoys, beacons, landmarks and conspicuous lights along the coastline. Meanwhile, large vessels operating in the area are equipped with modern navigational amenities such as electronic charts and Global Positioning Systems.Even as the Lighthouse beam is being blocked, negotiations are still ongoing between the Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) and the Chinese firm, Shanghai Construction Group,NFL Jerseys China, constructing the hotel, to finalise details to house the light.Skeete did not give a definite date as to when the light would be affixed to the structure, but said that there is a foundation already in place for the revolving light. In addition, the batteries for the lights will have to also be secured to the roof of the structure.According to the Harbour Master, a team from MARAD, including himself, made a site visit Tuesday to assess the progress of works. He related that MARAD was knowledgeable from the inception of this project that the beam would have been obstructed.

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