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Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys 000 cash bail.









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發表於 2018-7-20 11:35:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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… Attack on Mark BenschopAttorneys for Mark Benschop are in possession of a sworn statement from a man who said that he saw Liaison to the President, Kwame Mc Coy attack Benschop and then smash his pickup windscreen with a cement block.The eyewitness also states in the affidavit that Mc Coy removed articles from Benschop’s vehicle, and that the articles were handed to individuals in a car after police investigators left the scene.He also alleged that two associates of Mc Coy’s used a hammer to smash Benshcop’s vehicle windows.The resident spoke to Benschop’s attorneys yesterday after an extensive interview with Kaieteur News and a reporter from a television channel.According to the man, he was in the vicinity of the Diamond,China Jerseys Cheap, East Bank Demerara home last Saturday when he saw Benschop’s pickup stop near to a house that Mc Coy is constructing.He said that Benschop began ‘videoing’ the house from the roadway.The eyewitness alleged that shortly after, Mc Coy drove up in his vehicle, and Benschop trained the camera on Mc Coy.According to the man,Cheap Jerseys China, Mc Coy then attempted to snatch the camera.He alleged that Mc Coy then exited the vehicle and grabbed Benschop, who wrested himself free and fled the scene on foot.He told reporters that after Benschop left,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Mc Coy picked up a cement block and smashed the pickup windscreen. Mc Coy allegedly then entered Benschop’s vehicle and removed a bag and other articles, which were allegedly taken into the house Mc Coy is constructing.The eyewitness alleged that two men then came out of the premises with a hammer and smashed the other windows of the pickup.However, he said that none of the men had firearms.He claimed that after the police and media left the scene, he saw individuals emerge from Mc Coy’s premises with a bag similar to the one taken from Benschop’s vehicle. The bag was then allegedly handed over to the occupants of a black car, who then drove away.After police arrived on the scene on Saturday, Benschop had repeatedly pleaded with them to search Mc Coy’s premises, but this was not done.Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday, Benschop said that he was elated that an eyewitness had come forward.“I am excited about the whole idea. I know that there are a lot of fellows out there who have done illegal acts (but) who are protected. I think that this is a change in the tide,and I know that others will come forward, not only in my situation, and the cover of fear will be removed once and for all.“I must commend this individual, and I hope that those who are vying to be the PPP presidential candidate must realise that someone with such a character will only harm the party.”“He (Mc Coy) and his goons will definitely have to pay for my vehicle and all my items that were stolen.”Meanwhile,China Jerseys NFL, Benschop, accompanied by his attorney,China NFL Jerseys, Christopher Ram, visited the CID offices at the Brickdam Police Station. Mayor Hamilton Green, AFC leader Raphael Trotman and, and presidential candidate Peter Ramsaroop were also there to show their support for Benschop.Kaieteur News understands that a police official told the political activist that he is no longer needed. He was reportedly also told that police would follow up on his allegations against Mc Coy if he could provide evidence.Benschop was detained overnight on Saturday in the Brickdam Police Station lockups, after Mc Coy alleged that Benschop had damaged a window on his property.He was released on $25,000 cash bail.Mc Coy was not detained and was placed on $5,China Soccer Jerseys,000 cash bail.

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