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發表於 2018-7-20 19:05:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Parents or guardians could be charged and prosecuted by the court of law if they are found guilty of deliberately keeping school-aged children away from school.This is according to Chief School Welfare Officer, Banmattie Ram, who recently disclosed that there have been a number of truancy cases engaging the attention of the Education Ministry’s Welfare Department.Ram disclosed that in the last academic year, a total of 87 truancy cases were found in Region Three, 57 in Region Four, 203 in Region Five, 276 in Region Six, 22 in Region Seven, 16 in Region 10, and 89 in Georgetown, following several campaigns.Once found to be truants, students are usually referred to the Department of Education within their respective regions through which an investigation commences to determine the root cause for the errant behaviour.At the time of campaigns, Ram said that parents are called in to pick up their children and there is an immediate meeting held with them about the importance of education and how they (parents) can be prosecuted for keeping their children out of school.According to Ram, the officers of the Welfare Department currently reserve the right to take parents before the court if a child is found wandering. She, however, noted that the law that enables such action is in fact archaic but has been used to bring a number of parents before the courts on a number of occasions.But there has been little use for utilising the law, Ram noted, since parents have been collaborating with welfare officers.“The only time we will have to go that route is if after working along and counselling parents or guardians over time and they continue to neglect their responsibility to ensure that students are in school then we warn them that they could be prosecuted and could even go to jail and they don’t like that so they comply.”Ram disclosed though that officers follow up cases by visiting schools and homes on a regular basis to ensure that truant behaviour does not persist.Having detected truancy cases, follow-up programmes are effected to ensure that students remain in school. Ram explained that only a meagre percentage of students are repeat truants.“We go into schools and check registers,Wholesale Jerseys China, make home visits, and talk to parents. Some follow-ups revealed that some children are not going to school because of health problems or some parents do not ensure that they (children) do go to school.”But then there are instances, Ram revealed, that students do leave for school but sometimes prefer to loiter at times.“Reports come in from a number of regions that students are loitering around in their uniforms, especially around midday time. They go home for lunch and come back and loiter in the city at bus parks and go into game shops and some of them even say that they are doing School Based Assessments (SBAs) but they are in fact loitering.”For this reason, Ram said that certain areas are targeted by Welfare Officers, adding that in some cases concerned residents are the ones that inform the department of popular places where truancy is practised.And since efforts are being made to handle truancy matters in the subtlest of ways, Ram noted that counselling and home support are two of the ways that the situation is being addressed.Ram pointed out that it has been observed in many cases that poverty has been the main reason that some parents are unable to send their children to school, in addition to negligence on the part of the parents.

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