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發表於 2018-7-21 07:13:08 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-freed on gun, ammo chargesReagan Rodrigues, who is currently on remand for the murder of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing,JAILED: Reagan‘Grey Boy’ Rodrigueswas yesterday jailed for three years, after he was found guilty of escaping from lawful custody.Rodrigues a/k Grey Boy, 37, of River View, Ruimveldt, was informed of the guilty decision by City Magistrate Fabayo Azore, when he appeared in the Georgetown Magistrates’ Courts.On July 13, last, at River View Ruimveldt, while in the custody of a Police Constable pending charges for unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition, he escaped.He had initially pleaded not guilty to the charge at his July 15, 2015, court appearance.However, the murder accused was found not guilty of having an illegal firearm (Taurus pistol) and 14 live rounds of ammunition in his possession on July 13, when he was not the holder of a firearm licence.According to facts presented in court, on the day in question, police raided the home of Rodrigues. At the time he was at home and permitted the police to search the premises.A gun was found under a chair in the home. As a result, Rodrigues was arrested.  While being escorted to the police station, he pushed the arresting officer down and made good his escape.Police saw him the following day in the vicinity of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and arrested him.In delivering her decision to the court, the Magistrate told the court that she was satisfied with the evidence presented by the prosecution as it relates to the charge of escaping from lawful custody.During the summing up of evidence in relation to the illegal possession of firearm and ammunition charge, Magistrate Azore informed the court that the prosecution failed to produce sufficient evidence to prove that Rodrigues had knowledge, control or custody of the weapon.Under these circumstances the charges against him were dismissed.Courtney Crum-EwingIn mitigation,NFL Jerseys China, Attorney Adrian Thompson, told the court that his client is the father of three minor children. He said that Rodrigues was convicted two years ago on a charge of simple larceny.Murder chargeOn August 7, last, Rodrigues was charged with the murder of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing.It is alleged that on March 10, 2015 at Diamond, East Bank Demerara (EBD), he killed Crum-Ewing.According to reports, the bullet riddled body of Crum-Ewing was found at Third Avenue, Diamond New Scheme, EBD. The 40-year-old was shot twice to the temple, once to the back of the head and twice to the stomach.The police in a statement had stated that the political activist was accosted by four men in a car, one of whom discharged several rounds, hitting him about the body. It was reported that the killer (s) used a .32 pistol to execute Crum-Ewing.Crum-Ewing was well known for his one-man protest in front of the office of former Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall.Minutes before he was gunned down, he was reportedly heard via bullhorn urging residents of the neighbourhood to vote against the then ruling party, PPP/C.

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