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發表於 2018-7-21 07:15:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“Thank God for the years and spared life to see another birthday,” said Aunty Matilda Lewis as she celebrated an historic milestone as Guyana’s oldest living person.The women of the St Andrews Kirk ‘Deacon Court’ celebrate aunty Matilda Lewis’ birthday with cake and singing. To most, celebrating 113 years of life is but a dream that many will never experience but yesterday, in the company of friends, other residents of the Salvation Army Women’s home and the women of the St Andrews Kirk ‘Deacon Court’ she marked the milestone with a thanksgiving service.Also keeping her company were some children from the Wortmanville environs. Though she has lost her sight and her memory she was sharp at recognising voices including that of veteran journalist Francis Quamina Farrier whom she met when she was about 80 years old.As the lady of the moment, she sat in a wheelchair dressed in a sky blue duster ever blessing all who shared conversation and touched her hands.To her, there was much to praise God for and it was obvious that Aunty Matilda has got a really personal relationship with him.She said, “The memory does come and go but God is still keeping me.” Without prompting she quotes scriptures such as the entire 23 Psalms: The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want…” and sings hymns such as “I must have the saviour with me for I will not walk alone. Jesus he leads me all the way.”When reference was made to her 100 birthday she recalled the flood waters that were above her knees on that day and said that she’s happy that yesterday was a good day filled with sunshine. “I can’t see it but I can feel it,” she joked.Those gathered, offered gifts of various goodies while tidings of comfort and joy over flowed from well-wishers. Amusing was her ability to hear and respond intelligently but most captivating was her ability to sing most of the hymns and choruses even when the gathering could not remember the words.She was showered with several gifts and was assisted by some of the members of the St Andrews Kirk ‘Deacon Court’ headed by Chairperson Gloria Benn-John.Captain Ernest representing the Salvation Army dubbed the occasion an historic one and said, “Although she can’t see she is a wealth of history and wisdom.”Her wisdom and stories of old were echoed by sister King, her caregiver. The women of the St Andrews organisation expressed gratitude for the privilege of knowing her. One sister said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, “Every time you come you can learn something new about life and she’s always singing and praising God.”Amongst those paying tributes was one professional photographer who has been taking her photo since she celebrated her 106 th birthday. He knelt before her for her annual blessings, which she gave with her hands on his head.

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