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發表於 2018-7-21 15:53:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Mohamed Zaheed IbrahimPolice are still trying to locate the driver of a Toyota Allion which crashed into a Canter truck Saturday night on Carifesta Avenue, killing 45-year old contractor Mohamed Ibrahim.The driver of the car fled the scene immediately after the smash up which occurred shortly after 23:00 hours.It is believed that the driver escaped unhurt from the crash but a source said that the police have made several checks at his home and even at the various hospitals and cannot locate him.The source said that the driver could face several charges, including fleeing the scene of an accident, causing death by dangerous driving and failing to report an accident.Ibrahim and the driver were returning home when their vehicle slammed into the truck sending it into the nearby canal.It took firefighters several minutes of cutting through the mangled car to free the unconscious Ibrahim.By the time he was rushed to the hospital in a fire tender he was already dead.Meanwhile, relatives are still livid over the alleged theft of the jewellery that Ibrahim was wearing at the time of his death.Relatives claimed that they had made enquiries at the hospital about the man’s $400,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000 gold chain but received no positive answers.A friend of the dead man who was at the scene of the accident and who along with many other eyewitnesses including a reporter from this newspaper saw the man’s chain, disclosed that Ibrahim did arrive at the hospital with it.The friend claimed that he had begged the security personnel at the Accident and Emergency unit of the GPHC to hand over the jewellery and other valuables but he was ignored.Officials at the GPHC told family members yesterday that the man arrived at the hospital with only a wristwatch and his clothing,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, which were handed over to his relatives on the night of the accident.The dead man’s wife,wholesale nfl jerseys, Neetoo Singh,China Jerseys, told this newspaper yesterday that when she told police about the missing jewellery, she was told “that is not we business”.She was directed to the Guyana Fire Service to make further enquiries about the missing piece of jewellery.And she also lamented the disappearance of some cash that was left in the dead man’s pants pocket before he was placed into the hospital’s mortuary.The woman said that when she and other relatives turned up at the mortuary yesterday,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, Ibrahim’s clothes were already “cut up” with the intention of it being disposed of.“I asked dem fuh de clothes and dey ask me wha I gon do with dead man clothes. Dey done cut it up,Cheap Jerseys,” Singh said.

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