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發表於 2018-7-22 06:04:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Essequibo Coast remains the safest police division, recording no murder so far for the year. This is according to figures released yesterday by the Guyana Police Force.When added to last year’s figures when the division only recorded one murder, that part of the country appears to be the most peaceful.However, despite the appearance of a spike in unlawful killings, police figures continue to show a decline in the number of murders so far this year when compared with the same period in 2011.The police have recorded a total of 51 murders as at the end of May this year in comparison to 57 for the similar period last year; representing an 11 per cent decrease.Of the 51 murders,Wholesale China Jerseys, 23 were of the disorderly type, two were committed during armed robberies, seven domestic related and three execution type, while the other 16 are so far unknown.The police A Division (Georgetown/East Bank Demerara) has recorded the highest number of murders so far, 14 followed by the East Coast Demerara and Interior Divisions with 12 murders each.Sources on the East Coast have however informed that only five of the 12 cases have been solved.Berbice with eight and West Demerara with five murders make up the total figure.Georgetown is the only Division to have had execution style murders with three so far this year. To date no one has been charged with these murders.Murders committed during robberies showed a significant decline from 12 at the end of May last year to two so far this year.Meanwhile, there has been an overall decrease of two percent in serious crimes recorded at the end of May this year in comparison to last year.The total number of reports of serious crimes made by May 31, this year was 1616 compared to 1648 at the end of May last year.Some of the offences monitored are murder, robbery under arms, robbery with violence, larceny from the person, break and enter and larceny, burglary, rape and kidnapping.According to police figures, robbery under arms has increased by 23 per cent unto May 2012, with 433 reports compared to 352 for the same period in 2011.The figures indicate an increase of 17 per cent in the number of armed robberies involving the use of firearms, and a 35 per cent increase in armed robberies where instruments other than firearms were used by the perpetrators.COMPARATIVE FIGURES OF ROBBERY UNDER ARMS FOR THE PERIOD1ST JANUARY TO 31st MAY, 2011/2012Ser #OFFENCE20112012%INCREASE/DECREASE1ROBBERY UNDER ARMS(FIRE ARMS USED)229267+17%2ROBBERY UNDER ARMS(OTHER INSTRUMENT USED)123166+35%TOTAL352433+23%

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