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NFL Jerseys Cheap which was published on July 3









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發表於 2018-7-22 09:17:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Juan Edghill is an embarrassment to the clergyA group of Catholics, part of the Parish Pastoral Council of the Roman Catholic Church of the Ascension in New Amsterdam is the latest body to condemn the July 3 Editorial in the Guyana Chronicle. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Georgetown’s Justice and Peace Commission had also criticized the editorial.The R.C. Church of the Ascension,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, New AmsterdamIn a statement issued by that church’s governing body and signed by Monsignor Terrence Montrose, the parish priest, states, “We write in support of all likeminded Guyanese to further condemn the Editorial in the State’s newspaper which was unfortunately funded by taxpayers’ money. We see this as an abomination and as a total insult to all our Indian and African brothers in Guyana”.The council added that it is a shame that the writer of the editorial has “created a profile of the black race based on criminal elements” and questioned what results the “racial profiling” would bring.“As a church, we do not want to stand for such hurtful statements to our Afro- brothers”. The statement went on to say that the editorial piece unjustly labeled Afro- youths as criminals– “young,Cheap NFL Jerseys, promising youths”– and it dampens the spirits of such youths in Guyana.“We believe that such editorial would send the wrong signals at a point when there is an upsurge in criminal activities. Unfortunately,Jerseys Wholesale, many Indian homes are robbed and this is perceived to be done by Africans. Such an editorial by the state- owned newspaper would serve to strengthen this perception at this much tense time when there is loggerhead between political parties on critical governance matters particularly pervasive corruption”.The pastoral council added that “we do not want to think that this was a political ploy used as a diversion from the critical issues of the day to get Indians to come out in full support of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) to win a snap election,Cheap Jerseys Online, which is widely suspected”.Our country, the statement added, could only move forward if we work as a united people and it is imperative that all political parties take a zero- level tolerance on matters advocated by a group that attempts to preach race politics.“We look forward for political leadership that inspires and motivates our people to work for the advancement of our collective good”, the statement added.The council noted that it was beyond comprehension that a Government Minister and former Chairman of the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) could have publicly endorsed such a statement (in the editorial). “He is a total embarrassment to the religious community in this country and should be condemned by all religious bodies.“We believe this Minister should be immediately fired as an example to all others who are contemplating making such assertions”.The statement added that the Minister must have known that there are many Black youths who are struggling,Jerseys From China, who have been honest, working hard, and “to label all of them as thieves and brigands, could be very disconcerting”. It was frightening, the statement added that the contents of the racially-inciting editorial were “frightening that people would think in those terms and to lump a group of people in our society altogether as pathological racists”.The council is demanding a public apology by the President of Guyana on the front pages of all the newspapers in the country and that the “Editor-in-Chief of the Guyana Chronicle should be fired immediately, as suspension will not emphasize the magnitude of this matter to all concerned Guyanese”.Freelance journalist Parvati Persaud-Edwards penned the Guyana Chronicle editorial that sparked outrage over its alleged racist content.The incendiary editorial, which was published on July 3, 2012, claimed that young African Guyanese youths are “socialized” by the opposition to rob and murder Indian Guyanese. The editorial concluded that “hatred of Indians is ingrained in their psyche.”Its publication caused condemnation from several organizations and prominent citizens, with some calling for a boycott of the state-owned entity.The editorial had been condemned by several segments of society including the Justice and Peace Commission of the Roman Catholic Church,China NFL Jerseys, Working People’s Alliance and Alliance for Change.

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