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發表於 2018-7-22 10:42:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police detained a 32-year-old man identified as Suresh Persaud, and his stepson, Talesh Narine,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, Friday night, for the death of 40-year-old, Nandranie Narine, a\k Hema. The mother of three was discovered lying motionless at her Columbia one-bedroom home, yesterday afternoon, by her eldest son, Talesh. According to a police report,Discount NFL Jerseys, Narine’s body was almost nude and was lying in a pool of blood. It bore marks of violence, reportedly due to wounds on her right side chin, right forehead and nose.The dead woman’s sister and her sonThe report further stated that blood stains were also discovered on the deceased floor, and mattress.The slain woman’s older sister, Sookmattie Jainaraine, speaking from her home at Columbia, yesterday morning,NFL Jerseys From China, said that she did not hear the screams of her sister whom she described as an alcoholic.She said that she last saw her sister at home Friday morning around 07:00 hours. “I was sitting under my bottom house stripping two pointer brooms, when I noticed my eldest nephew, Talesh come home drunk. He took a while before he went home and when he did he holler for me.”Mrs. Jainaraine related that her nephew was alone when he made the discovery. She said there was a lot of blood on her dead sister’s body and on the bed under which the body was found.She said that when her nephew decided to pull his mother’s body from under the bed; she appeared to be unconsciousness. The woman said that after seeing her sister in that state, she was in a state of shock.“I never see so much blood yet, and before my sister died she fumbled a few words and asked for some water.”The dead woman’s youngest son, Lakeram,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, said that he last saw his mother Friday morning before leaving to catch up with his friends.The 14-year-old, who attends a Muslim school, said that he was not aware of his mother’s death until he returned home Friday night around 6pm.“Earlier I give my mother $200 and told her to buy something to cook.’Narine’s body was transported to the Oscar Joseph Hospital at Charity.Both suspects, 32-year old,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, Suresh and 21-year-old, Talesh were subsequently arrested and questioned by the police. They have since denied any knowledge of the crime.This was Nandranie’s place of abodeSuresh Persaud and Narine had shared a troubled common-law relationship for the past 11 years.Her sister,Wholesale Jerseys China, Sookmattie,Wholesale Jerseys, who resides in a house located on the front lot said her dead sister lived at the back and that Nandranie and her reputed husband had constant quarrels and fights.Nandranie has left to mourn three sons, Talesh, Enquires and Lakeram, along with four siblings who all reside in Georgetown.A post mortem is scheduled to be performed tomorrow.

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