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NFL Jerseys From China presently plying Itaballi/Parika route









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發表於 2018-7-23 01:17:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Works and Transport Minister Robeson Benn and three senior Maritime officials visited Bartica on Friday for a meeting with speedboat owners plying the Bartica/Parika route and members of the Bartica Speedboat Association.The primary purpose of the visit was to discuss a 2007 Ministerial instruction that every speedboat must have a shed that protects the passengers from the elements. There were also discussions on the current fare structure and issues pertaining to the expansion of the service by allowing more boats to frequent the area.Regional Chairman for Region Seven, Holbert Knights, welcomed the Minister and team, and in his presentation highlighted that the travelling public welcomes the introduction of the shed on the boats, which will definitely add to the safety and comfort of passengers.Minister Robeson Benn taking a closer look at the crater in the roadThe Regional Chairman thanked the Transport and Harbours Department, through the Minister,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, for the introduction of a larger ferry that now plies the Parika/Bartica route twice weekly.He noted that as a result of the improvement in the size of the vessel, there is no more congestion and confusion, while all vehicles and cargo are now accommodated. Before time, vehicles were turned back at Parika for want of space on the ferry.The Regional Chairman expressed alarm at the fact that, during this, T&HD increased the tariffs for vehicles using the vessel by more that 300 per cent. Mr. Knights indicated the unsavoury fact that no public consultations were held, and no public notices were given about the increase.According to Knights, cars now pay $4,500, up from $1,Cheap Jerseys From China,500, while a Canter truck that paid $4000 in December now pays $17,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,500.Minister Benn has committed to taking a look at the tariff increases imposed by T&HD.But the same is not the case with the boat operators. The association’s position is that the fare structure is just because of the high and continuously rising cost of spares and new boats.Knights also indicated support for an application by six boat owners (presently plying Itaballi/Parika route) to be allowed to ply the Bartica/Parika route.He urged a speedy resolution of the issues, to ensure maximum benefit to the travelling public.Minister Benn noted that the boat owners had enough time (more than one year) to get themselves in order by building the sheds over the boats. He said that pictures were circulated of prototype boats, and an actual prototype was built by T&HD for the benefit of boat owners.Boat owners have now been given up to the end of the first quarter of 2009 to comply or have their licences revoked. Only one boat is, so far, in compliance.Association members indicated that the required change, (the sheds) will incur a very high cost, hence it will not be feasible to reduce the fare. The association also requested a one-year stay of the order, which was denied by the Minister.Added to that, the association is also very much opposed to the inclusion of any other boats in the system. One member was, however, suggesting that maybe two of the boats could be included.Minister Benn stressed that the change is necessary to ensure that the Association and its members adapt to the changes that are taking place in Bartica and its environs.He spoke about the improvements in infrastructure and quality of life of the people of Bartica, and the upward movement of the boat fare, even though there has been no corresponding increase in the quality of service or the comfort of passengers.Minister Benn said that, with a focus on tourism,Cheap Jerseys Online, boat owners have to ensure that the safety and comfort of visitors and the travelling public become priorities.He said that recently he received numerous complaints from the public about the quality of the service and the fact that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, on many occasions,Discount NFL Jerseys, persons are left stranded at Parika because of the unavailability of boats to ferry passengers to Bartica.The association also indicated that in order to address the issue of passengers being left stranded at Parika, boats are now being dispatched from Bartica with 12 passengers instead of the full complement of 17 passengers. This will ensure that more boats leave Bartica more often to bring passengers back from Parika.Minister Benn also visited the One to Five Miles Bartica-Potaro area, where he expressed alarm at the condition of the road. The road was recently upgraded, but with the recent heavy rainfall, it has now reverted to a state of utter deterioration.Nearly 800 school children and approximately 80 staff members have to traverse the road on a daily basis.Minister Benn also paid a short visit to the new Three Miles Secondary School. (Alex Wayne)

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