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Cheap NFL Jerseys a labourer of Crabwood Creek









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發表於 2018-7-23 03:47:24 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Three men who were suspected to be part of a gang that ambushed and attacked a boat and robbed the occupant of hundreds of thousands of dollars have been nabbed and charged with robbery under arms.The men are Rocky Profit, 30, of Lot 22 Princetown, Corriverton, Corentyne; Shameer Alli,Cheap Jerseys Authentic, called ‘Kazo’, 34, of Crabwood Creek,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Corentyne; and Jaisaran Mohan, 35, a labourer of Crabwood Creek, Corentyne Berbice.They are accused of robbing Bibi Ahafeeza Amerullah of two gold chains, three gold jingles, six gold finger rings, and $500,Jerseys NFL Cheap,000 in local currency on November 20, last at Cuck Creek, Corentyne River. At the time they were armed with guns. They were not required to plead.They appeared in the Springlands Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Rabindranauth Singh and were remanded to jail until January 8.According to reports the woman who is a trader, was travelling in a boat with others when the men who were hiding out in the river attacked them with guns.The matter was reported and after conducting intense investigations the men were arrested and charged. They are expected to reappear in court on January 8.Mohan,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, a father of two, through his attorney, Ramesh Rajkumar,Cheap Jerseys, successfully made an application before Justice James Bovell-Drakes in the Berbice High Court for bail.In a petition the accused stated that he has a fixed place of abode and lives with his wife and two kids’ aged eight and 12.Mr. Rajkumar stated that the entire scenario is a strange one and that his client is unfortunate to be charged. . He stated that from his understanding it was his client who was attacked and robbed by pirates and left floating in the Corentyne River.He argued that the offence is a bailable one and that there is no reason why his client would not return to court.Mohan was granted bail in the sum of $75,NFL Jerseys Wholesale,000.

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